
Truth Trickles Out: Afghanistan troop cuts will likely lead to Taliban surge, study warns (Surprise…exactly as we predicted)

February 28, 2014: Our track record continues its pristine record of accurately cutting through the lies and deception and correctly forecasting the impact of United States’ policy.   In one of the most recent reveals, it took a gold star panel of overpaid, retired bureaucrats and generals (forgive me if I am redundant) to “discover” that […]

Wounded Soldier in Afghanistan

Bloodshed in Afghanistan Continues Unabated Contrary to Government Claims of Improvements

Today’s headlines once again announce the death of another 7 Americans in Afghanistan and as many more local nationals. http://edition.cnn.com/2012/08/10/world/asia/afghanistan-us-casualties/index.html?hpt=hp_t3 http://news.yahoo.com/three-u-soldiers-killed-uniformed-afghan-helmand-064345412.html These Americans that died were no ordinary people, but elite special forces advisors, a foreign service officer, and battalion level staff officers and a senior non-commissioned officer.  The special forces advisors were killed by […]