Good Riddance Mr. Petraeus

Enjoy your strawberries David

Today America and the world received the news of the resignation of the much vaunted General David Petraeus and now former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.  We would like to add… “David, don’t let the door hit you in the butt!”

For years we have maintained now Mr. Petraeus was overrated as a general, pushed a failed military strategy, got many killed by not clearing fire support to troops on the ground, was an arrogant pre-Madonna, and played politics with people’s lives.  This is karma and he got what he deserved.

First, let’s put out the affair allegedly happened while still in military command so that means either the background investigation was improperly done or the affair was overlooked and only brought up as an excuse to walk him.  The allegedly woman (Paula Broadwell) that Mr. Petraeus had the affair with was married, as was Mr. Petraeus, and a reserve officer meaning that Mr. Petraeus violated at least two Articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice to include adultery and fraternization.  Both of these crimes are very serious in the military and should have led to his court martial.  Further, ramifications of this affair mean he was extremely vulnerable to blackmail and “lied” to background investigators, which is “another” criminal offense he should be charged for.  Mr. Petraeus held the second most sensitive position in our entire government and put our entire country at risk for political gain.  This has to be hammered home to the public.  An affair is a classic way to blackmail someone in the political as well as intelligence worlds and with his access and knowledge, there is no telling what may have been divulged by Mr. Petraeus.  A counter-intelligence investigation must be demanded to make sure no national security secrets were jeopardized.

The next issue major issue resonating is the timing of Mr. Petraeus’ resignation.  It was only “after” the election it suddenly emerges, which is all too convenient before he is to testify before Congress on Libya.  Any analyst knows that timing is everything when assessing events.  For that reason alone, one would be justified in noting this has the trappings of President Obama cleaning up loose ends that could bring trouble for the Administration during the next four years.  If Mr. Petraeus is truly kept from testifying in the capacity as the Director of the CIA, this points strongly to protecting the CIA and the Administration and supports the circling rumors of a cover-up.  Nonetheless, secretly firing someone that may have sensitive information on a cover-up is not normally the best way to keep one silent so it appears there is much more to the story.

In fact, there is good reason to believe the bigger reason is not an affair, national security, or a cover-up, but a purely political reason.  Specifically, President Obama cunningly appointed Mr. Petraeus to the CIA to keep him from running against him for the presidency and or endorsing the Republican candidate.  Less one forget, there was a lot of grassroots support to run then General Petraeus for president and at the time he was “untouchable.”  This would have been a HUGE threat to President Obama’s re-election bid and perhaps is the one person that could have called out President Obama and his failing foreign policy.  Once Director Petraeus was no longer a campaign threat (post-election), President Obama cut him.

Respective of policy, there has also been a lot of quiet disagreement internally over major issues ranging from Afghanistan and Iran to overt disagreements like what happened in Libya. Don’t think for a second President Obama wasn’t furious the CIA pointed the finger back at the Administration respective of what went wrong in Benghazi.  This may have been the last straw and President Obama was just waiting for after the election and a good excuse to remove him.  Remember, Mr. Petraeus “unlike” Attorney General Holder (respective of Fast and Furious), didn’t firewall the Administration from criticism. Just like with former General McChrystal, the President isn’t going to tolerate this internal dissent.

Respective of the on-going war in Afghanistan, one must say with the clarity of hindsight that General Petraeus’ strategy failed.  At no point during his command(s) did U.S/NATO casualties decrease or the Taliban actions decrease or the deaths of civilians drop.  In fact, they skyrocketed.  The Taliban and Al Qaeda are not defeated, but resurgent and arguably more powerful than they were on Sept 11, 2001.  Afghanistan is not secure, the border is not secure, the Taliban continue to reconstitute and expand their influence, and Al Qaeda has now spread throughout North Africa and claimed the life of our ambassador.  At best the war got worse.  At the worst, one can say we already lost the war in Afghanistan.  When you were in command of this war, you cannot claim to be successful.  Respective of Iraq, the confluence of factors that led to some stabilization and our ability to pull-out were not a result of his policies.  Rather, he got lucky and was in the right place at the right time to reinforce organic events happening on the ground in Iraq that the military cannot claim credit for creating.  Nonetheless, he was in charge when things turned so can claim that much, but nothing more.  Further, the U.S./NATO forces have failed to achieve decisive gains or any type of sustainable security inside Afghanistan proving that his counterinsurgency strategy was not only unworkable, but failed.  Now, even the most optimistic of generals are saying the war is futile, we can’t win, and we should leave.  As a final act, the DOD is quietly running away from his COIN strategies and erasing the doctrine from existence.

Expanding the failure of his leadership in the military and CIA current and former employees for the most part despise him.  Of course this does not follow the official narrative provided by pundits and political appointees, but then, they aren’t working for him.  On the military side, this was a general that sat down safely in his command centers in Florida or Kabul and denied fire support to soldiers and Marines pinned down and dying so that he could make President Karzai happy citing the potential for collateral damage, where no risk existed.  Further, outside of a command center, Mr. Petraeus had no actual first hand combat experience unless one counts getting shot in the chest by one of his troops during a training exercise in the U.S.  Respective of his role as the Director of the CIA, all one needs to know is that his proclivity to freak out on his staff if his strawberries were not sliced at just the right angle is legendary.

In conclusion, we would all like to once again take the time to revel in the departure of one of the greatest snake oil salesmen ever to wear the uniform.  Karma can be so cruel.  Good-bye David and please never return!

By Guiles Hendrik


Projected Electoral College Map of United States for 2012

On the eve of the election, I am still sticking with my initial mid-May 2012 prediction that Obama will win based on an X-factor few pundits have even dared to mention less give a third-party candidate media attention.  Romney has been riding a wave of enthusiasm, but contrary to what conservative pundits want you to believe, it may not be enough.  If one takes the average of national polls placing the race as a dead heat and assumes that they are within their published margin of error as accurate (note: if skewed, polling data are useless for analysis and any discussion or prediction is moot), Obama may win big and here is why…

Based on Obama’s performance the last four years, I REALLY hope I am wrong, even though Romney is at best a poor choice too.  Nonetheless, it is by far more important to vote for the best person in party blind, unbiased fashion than to mindlessly cast a vote telling yourself that it will be “wasted” if it isn’t for the status quo candidates hand-picked by the elites.  Considering Obama’s dirty Chicago tactics and appeal to voters in swing states with big electoral college numbers, he has polled neck and neck and this means he will likely win.  Obviously, Romney may indeed squeak it out if he mobilizes more people to the polls and I wouldn’t be surprised if he wins the popular vote, but all of the polls have him in a dead heat with Obama and that is very, very bad for Romney.  In effect, this is actually saying Obama will win when you consider that no polls since early October have factored in the very real effect of independent party candidates.  In particular, Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party candidate.

Johnson has sound rule-of-law and minimal government based policy, excellent experience, best in class support for liberty and civil rights, an unparalleled voting record, and truly has novel, good ideas for the job.  As such, Johnson has been polling at or above 10 percent in most states like him or not.  Johnson is on every state’s ballot and has widespread support.  Less one forget that millions of Americans signed petitions to have Johnson on their state’s ballot (a herculean task for an independent without huge grassroots support) and that support was hard fought and earned from hard-core independent and free American voters.  Voters that are likely to vote for an independent candidate and tend to be composed of more big R republicans than big D democrats.  Further, since the dirty deal at Republican National Convention in Tampa where Ron Paul delegates from states like Virginia were all but barred and disenfranchised from voting at the convention by last-minute changes to convention rules, many of Paul’s supporters are rightfully burned and alienated by the Republican Party.  Probably half of these big R, well-informed, reliable voters that the Republicans have counted for granted as supporting Romney will break ranks ands support Johnson or Obama.  This IS Romney and the RNC’s fault for alienating their base.  More importantly, in “must win” swing states like Ohio and Florida as well as important swing states like Virginia and Colorado, Johnson WILL win at least 2-8 percentage points that Romney may have won absent Johnson’s more attractive political platform.  Considering that the guaranteed  minimum of 1 percentage point Johnson will receive in a swing state like Ohio where Obama already has a very slight lead, Romney is destroyed.  As a result, you could in fact see a landslide win for Obama in the electoral college.

In the event of a win for Obama, a couple of factors will be immediately present.  The first will be that Gary Johnson will immediately be blamed and suddenly receive more press than he ever did before the election.  Lies and twisted statements such as “Johnson” stole the votes from Romney will be rampant.  The real facts will be that Romney and the Republicans did not own anyone’s vote in the first place and therefore it was not Romney’s vote to lose or Johnson’s to steal anymore than a vote for Obama was “stolen” from Romney.  You may also see the loss blamed on the recent hurricane that battered the East Coast.  However, the harsh reality for the Republicans could very well be that they ran a lackluster, unqualified, marginally different, anti-Constitution, big government, war mongering, economically illiterate,  C-average, entitled, rich, draft dodging, Mormon, milk-toast, liberal Republican candidate against Obama and got beat fair and square.  In short, it will be the people who voted for Romney, a candidate that is at best poor and unrepresentative of the people he is supposed to lead, that wasted their vote.  Furthermore, it would most likely be the death-knell for the Republican Party at the Presidential level and  hearken the arrival of a true third-party platform that must be taken seriously and can no longer be discounted.  This rise of a legitimate third-party is a true silver lining to a Republican loss and is long overdue.  The stranglehold on power by elites in the two parties must be broken to save America.  Only when the power structure is broken will America stand a chance of real recovery, prosperity, and freedom.

Sadly, tomorrow’s vote will no doubt be a status quo win for Romney or Obama and nothing will change for the better as again promised.   Placing a reshuffled Bush administration back into office or another four years of Obama are both horrible futures and the epitome of civic insanity when it comes to voting.  We do know better and we do have better options.  Hello America!  You can’t believe what a politician says.  You have to look at their record…or lack there-of.  Ultimately, it will be the citizens of the United States that will thus justifiably suffer the most for their apathy and zombie-like bandwagon voting record for “the lesser of two evils” when good, qualified candidates are on every state’s ballot.  Shame on us!

First Stage of Iran War Nearing Completion: Free Syrian Army being used to clear air corridor for attack on Iran

The first stage of a shooting war with Iran is nearing completion.  Over the past year, the US has been covertly using Islamic terrorists to fight a proxy war in Syria.  The jihadists from as far away as the United States, Chechnya, and Libya are being used by the CIA for what they believe is to overthrow President Assad.  However, they are mere pawns in a much bigger strategic struggle for Israel’s hegemonic control of the Middle East.

Contrary to what many “rebels” may realize, they are doing the West’s bidding.  In order for Israel and or the United States to launch an overt war against Iran, Syria and specifically, Hezbollah, must first be neutralized.  Failure to do so would allow Hezbollah to pose a persistent danger to Israel so long as Assad’s regime was in power and acting as the go-between for arms and support from Iran.  Further, Israel would not be able to launch a successful surprise air strike on Iran without first destroying sophisticated Russian air defense systems inside Syria.  The removal of Syrian air defenses is essential to open the necessary air corridor for Israeli aircraft to include less evasive (big targets) aircraft such as refueling tankers.  As such, it was necessary to fight a proxy war inside of Syria so as not to prematurely begin the overt war on Iran.  If Israel unilaterally attacked Syria in a conventional fashion it would risk both Syria and potentially Russia entering into the war on Iran’s side.  Thus, the decision to launch our CIA created “terrorists” into the breach as our proxies was made.

For those that doubt the validity of this analysis, consider the following facts:

First, Israel would not support a proxy war in Syria unless it had a very good reason for it.  Few things other than the eventual attack and destruction of Iran would justify allowing an even more adversarial Sunni extremist government to develop on its border.  This is more obvious considering Israel has maintained a relative peace with Syria and would be foolish to jeopardize that without guarantees.  It is just not in Israel’s interest to allow the arming, training, and advising of terrorists to overthrow Assad short of a plan to later destroy them.

Second, it is a fact that the US has been and will continue to support the radical Islamic jihadists currently fighting in Syria against Assad’s forces.  We are providing arms, intelligence, money, and advisors to these terrorists in exchange for them to do our dirty work.  This is part of America’s very flawed and short sighted strategy that uses these forces to destroy targets of interest for the US and Israel.  However, this proxy war scenario has been played out many times past and always blows back with severe repercussions over the long run.  We are just now seeing these effects of short sighted intervention in Libya.  Remember, the rebels do not have an air force so there is simply no good reason for them to risk precious men, time, and equipment against air defense sites unless they were conducting these attacks in exchange for the above from the CIA.

Some may argue whether or not it is terrorists that are being supported.  A simple review of media reports ends this debate conclusively.  American arms are getting to the front lines and the front lines are filled with known jihadists from places like Iraq, Chechnya, and Libya.  Further, known Al Qaeda forces are beyond doubt mixed into and leading main battle units of the Free Syrian Army.  To deny that our support is in fact supporting the very same “terrorists” we have forsaken our civil liberties, privacy, money, and lives to fight against is beyond treason.  No matter how many jihadists kill each other and remain focused on Syria and not Americans in the near term, they ultimately will consolidate and turn their focus, stronger and better armed and trained than ever, back against the US.  This can only end one way for the American people…badly.

Please spread the word and educate others about what is going on.  When this phase of the war is complete, the door will be finally opened for an unthinkable broader war with Iran that will cost America far far more than it is willing to pay.  Write your Congressmen and demand accountability.  Demand we cease our two-faced dealings in Syria.  Demand we end our interventionist policies that have cost so many so much.

By Guiles Hendrik

The Next Wave of Fallout from Obama’s Failed Libyan Policy

Libyan Rebel with SA-7

President Obama’s policy of intervention in Libya has been an abject failure and the bloodshed is likely to get worse.  Specifically, more American lives will be lost in the coming months and we are again the first analytical outlet to bring you this critical inside information.  Most readers are aware that four Americans were killed and more wounded during a deliberate terrorist attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  It is worth noting that our analysis correctly detailed the events of the attack, including labeling it as a planned terrorist attack, within 24 hours of the incident.  Not only did our analysis see through the deliberate lies being distributed via the White House, but also the called the attack correctly when all major media outlets were still debating how this attack was “caused” by a random video no one had seen.  Now our early analysis of the fallout of Obama’s policy of intervention in Libya…made before the first US planes had dropped a single bomb…has again been proved correct in a much bigger and more ominous way.

Our sources have now confirmed that man portable air defense systems (MANPADS), which are small, portable, surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) looted from Libyan military stockpiles have resurfaced.  These MANPADS, over 20,000, fell into the hands of Islamic extremists as a direct result of US support to the jihadist backed rebels and have now been smuggled throughout Africa and the Middle East.  Just this week one of the weapon systems turned up in Palestine and was used unsuccessfully against an Israeli Air Force (IAF) helicopter.  Our analysis predicts that it is likely many of these will be used against IAF and civilian targets in the future and many are already in the hands of Syrian rebels.

Failure of the Obama Administration to foresee the colossal negative implications of our foreign policy that allowed millions of weapons and munitions to fall into the hands known terrorists places the blood of what will be sure to be more innocent victims on the President’s hands.  The over 20,000 MANPADS looted are perhaps the direst threat, but metric tons of anti-armor weapons, SEMTEX plastic explosives, various military small arms, heavy machine guns, ammunition, grenades, mortars, and rocket launchers were also “lost.”  These weapons have jumpstarted new rebellions and bloodshed across Africa and are further destabilizing the entire region.  As disturbing is how far these weapons have already traveled.  The missile fired at the IAF helicopter is particularly illustrative.  We know it left Libya and then made its way to Egypt and was then smuggled clandestinely into Palestine likely via a tunnel.  This is no small feat and supports the assessment that these missiles have now proliferated further into the Middle East, throughout Africa, and possibly Southern Europe.

The facts that the MANPADS have now left Libya and have been used against an aircraft all suggest we will witness more use of these weapons in the coming weeks and months. Possible targets include civilian jet airliners during takeoff or landing at any airport throughout North Africa, the Middle East, and Southern Europe. Although the first missile used missed, this is not reason for optimism.  The target was a military helicopter equipped with countermeasures.  Had the target been a civilian jumbo jet, the missile would have likely destroyed the airliner and killed hundreds of innocent people to include American passengers.  “When” this happens, people must understand the direct connection between Obama’s interventionist policies that provide support to jihadists and the deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians.

If our media was not biased, it should be asking President Obama hard questions about the implications of his failed policy in Libya.  At least a few brave reporters should be asking questions directed toward the mounting collateral damage piling up from his Libya intervention and the loss of these weapons. Specifically, what he is doing to ensure not a single missile is used against on an airliner carrying US citizens?

The strategic takeaway of this mounting disaster should be that intervention doesn’t work.  Both Mitt Romney and President Obama need to realize that it is in fact “their” proclivity for an interventionist foreign policy that is so dangerous for the US and world.  Considering the “success” we have had in Cuba, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya to name a few, a word of caution in the strongest possible terms to US policy makers regarding “further” intervention in Libya or Syria should be loudly voiced.

By Guiles Hendrik

US Covers-Up Botched Policy by De-Listing MEK as Terrorist Organization

MEK Terrorists Parade Military Arms

The decision to remove the Mujaheddin-e Khalq (MEK) from the U.S. government’s terrorist list marks a low point in US decision making, which will certainly come back to haunt America.  This is an organization that is better described as a cult, is perverse in its lifestyle, and has American blood on its hands.  If not enough, its brutality toward the Iraqi people is legendary and has earned it the undying hatred of Iraqi citizens.  The MEK’s war crimes against Iraqi citizens include training Saddam Hussein’s Republican Guard units, crushing the Shia uprising, and being complicit in the heinous war crime of gassing the Kurds.  Further, the MEK is not just hated by Iraqis; it is hated even more by the Iranian people because it is viewed as even more extreme and radical than the current Iranian regime.   This propaganda victory of the MEK and its army of lobbyists demonstrate how easy it is for our policy makers to once again be convinced of false realities they want to believe; especially, when large donations are being made to their political futures.

The senior political leaders that have spoken out on behalf of the MEK and argued for its terrorist designation to be dropped are ignorant, stupid, and or paid off.  These include Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, Howard Dean, Edward G. Rendell, and congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle.  Few statements demonstrate the absurd level of plain stupidity as that made by Congressman Dana Rohrabacher.  The grossly ill-informed congressman stated; “The MEK are Iranians who desire a secular, peaceful, and democratic government.”  What is scary is that Rohrabacher is the Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations and should know better.  Not only is the MEK a self-professed fundamentalist Islamist organization, but they also consider themselves Marxists.  It is hard to imagine an organization more diametrically opposed to Western, democratic, and capitalist values than a “fundamentalist Islamic Marxist” organization.  For Congressman Rohrabacher to somehow miss this incredible contradiction goes far beyond ignorance and can only be explained through pure stupidity or a pay-off.

Part of the ploy to delist the MEK was made on the grounds it somehow wants to help the US.  These American leaders have been duped into believing the MEK has been providing verifiable and accurate intelligence to Western governments about Iran’s nuclear program.  Instead, MEK agents have been feeding Washington bogus intelligence that it believes Washington wants to hear and believe exists in hopes Washington will attack and destroy the current regime.  The MEK’s aims in this regard have none of America’s interests in mind.  The MEK wants to foment a war between the US and Iran so that its organization with an even more radical ideology can have a chance to seize power in Iran.  For this reason alone, ANY information obtained via MEK sources must be viewed as highly suspect to outright dangerous false information.

By delisting the MEK, the US has in effect joined ranks with what the Iranian “people” and the government view as a terrorist organization still operating against Iran.  In effect, this will be viewed by many inside Iran as a declaration of war.  Further, the US just made itself appear to be an even greater hypocrite to the millions of Iraqis that suffered directly or indirectly at the hands of the brutal MEK.  Now that the MEK have been delisted, the US Department of State will quickly commence deporting MEK personnel to host nations around the world.  Many of these will no doubt be to countries in Europe and the United States.  Places like Woodbridge, Virginia have already played host to MEK personnel.  Make no mistake that this reckless action will bring an internal Iranian war to America’s soil.  This will mean Americans will now be put at risk of getting caught in the crossfire of a foreign war.  America has no more right to harbor what Iran and its people view as terrorists than Afghanistan had to harbor members of Al Qaeda.

One may wonder how all of this began and ask why we even care and it is a good question.  In short, during the initial days of the war in Iraq, the MEK made a strategic decision to unilaterally surrender to the US in exchange for protection.  In the infinite ignorance of policy expedience at the time, the State Department granted the members of the MEK protected persons status and from that point on, owned the problem.  What the State Department failed to foresee is that they couldn’t send the MEK members back to Iran because they would be executed and couldn’t leave them unprotected in Iraq because the Iraqis would exact justifiable revenge upon them.  Further, as a listed terrorist organization, the State Department couldn’t send them to other nations as refugees and thus, inherited protecting them indefinitely from everyone.  This insanity becomes even more schizophrenic when one considers the numbers of Americans killed and wounded over a decade PROTECTING the MEK at Camp Ashraf.  Remember, these Americans were KILLED protecting an organization that our own government categorized as “terrorists.”  As bad, the American military members with this absurd mission were forced to operate with these terrorists and even support their on-going “terrorist” operations by providing convoys and security to MEK members traveling to and from Baghdad to “conduct business.”  As time has gone by, Iraq has run out of patience for the MEK on its soil and demanded the US take action.  The decidedly non-politically correct translation of this is that if America didn’t get the MEK out of Iraq, the Iraqis were most likely going to kill or imprison all of the remaining members.  To prevent that and rectify its colossal mistakes, the State Department was forced to convince itself and the rest of the US government that the lies and propaganda the MEK were distributing were true and ultimately delist the organization.  If none of this makes sense, then you understand precisely how bad this policy has been bungled by the US.

On a personal closing note to all that think the MEK was only listed as a terrorist organization as a matter of politics and that it is a secular, peaceful, pro-western organization that has renounced violence, you are totally, absolutely, 100% wrong.  You clearly have never worked, lived, and or operated with any of the members of this organization and are only parroting propaganda fed to you by the organization.  How do we know?  We know because we did work, live, and operate with them and had the sad fortune to also witness many good Americans killed and wounded protecting these fanatical, perverted, terrorists.

By Guiles Hendrik

Russia Ready for War if Iran Attacked

Russian Troops Displaying Future Weapons and Equipment

The Russian military, in expectation of an imminent attack on Iran, is quietly poised for a possible, strategically timed assault to re-establish its dominance of the Caucuses and its oil resources.  Russia is not going to accept Western control of the entire Middle East and will seize the opportunity another war for the US provides Russia.  Russia is betting that during a war with Iran, the US will be unable to deal with other contingencies and will use this window to secure its vital regional interests.  If the US cuts into Russia’s sphere of influence respective of Iran, Russia is now fully prepared to deal and equal setback to Washington in Georgia and Azerbaijan.

In preparation, Russia has secretly rearmed and conducted a military build-up along the border with Georgia.  Supporting this is the fact crack Russian military units have indeed remained in the border region of Georgia after completion of the Caucus 2012 military exercise much as in the months prior to the outbreak of war between Georgia and Russia in 2008.  The geopolitical chessboard in the region is now heavily stacked in Russia’s favor and it needs only a Western attack on Iran to put the offensive in motion.  When the war with Iran begins, Russia is already deployed and ready to conduct a multi-front offensive supported by its forces stationed in the Southwest of Armenia and from the Black Sea coast via naval assets mobilized in Abkhazia.  This war would be launched under the pretext of supporting Iran and preventing Western exploitation of a strategically vital region.  However, the main target would be the oil terminals along the coast and political control of the vital oil and gas pipelines crisscrossing the region.  In the process of securing Russia dominance of oil resources in the region, Russia would cut off of major transportation hubs and other critical infrastructure in Georgia, most likely roll-over Tbilisi, and ultimately, march into Azerbaijan with help from its Caspian Naval Fleet.

This will result in a major conflagration in the region stretching right to the northern border of Iran.  What must be understood is that if Iran runs the risk of falling under Western control, Russia will be forced to go all in and this could even bring in China.  This is the worst of worst case scenarios and is just one more example of why a war with Iran is a horrible gamble.  Russia simply cannot afford Western control of nearly the entire East-West oil and gas transport corridor.

Our analysts would like to think that all of the beltway whiz-kid analysts and war planners have taken into account the implications of this, but history has conclusively shown that our policy makers, their think tanks, and their muzzled analysts will get it wrong every time.  In short, it is critical to point out that a loss of Azerbaijan to Russia would totally turn US and Israeli war plans upside down and deal the US a massive strategic defeat.  Without Azerbaijan, the US loses its strategic lily-pad for air strikes, supply staging, and logistics support.  The US has clandestinely invested millions and built-up Azerbaijan just for this Iran War contingency and the Russians have taken offense to this American meddling in its political sphere.  For those not familiar with oil and gas issues, the loss of Azerbaijan also means a complete re-engineering of the oil and gas pipeline politics.  The US and its oil companies would lose billions of dollars and would no longer have ready access to a slew of already functional pipelines connected to Europe.  Russia on the other hand would reap massive financial and political rewards for monopolizing control of most of the oil and gas supplies to Europe.

The US cannot afford to forget about Russia’s influence still present in Central Asia and how that will play into access to logistics bases.  War with Iran will obliterate America’s strategic advantage in the region if Russia decides to attack.  Iran is not Iraq or Afghanistan.  It’s much, MUCH larger in both land mass and population.  Iran is also much more modern and has a legitimate, relatively professional military poised to strike if attacked.  Given America’s past “success” with wars in the region, combined with an already overtaxed US military on the verge of downsizing, this would be an absolute disaster.  The US Navy cannot just air drop guided missile cruisers and ballistic missile submarines into the Caspian and won’t risk a bigger war with Russia even if it could.  While the US may very well retain control of the Straits of Hormuz, the US runs the risk of leaving its Northern flank totally exposed.  Russia clearly has the upper hand there and is ready to exploit it to its maximum benefit.

Related articles for this subject can be found at:[tt_news]=39228&tx_ttnews[backPid]=7&cHash=c017e522f94abb9d57a80080324381da

By Guiles Hendrik

Growing Distance between Washington and Tel Aviv Dangerous

Netanyahu’s Glaring Disrespect for Obama

Much has been written in the press regarding what appears to be a chill in relations between the White House and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu over plans to attack Iran.  However, this distance may in fact increase regional instability and the possibility of an attack on Iran.

B2Wire analysts agree that the US should strongly oppose and take actions if necessary to prevent an Israeli unilateral strike on Iran.  It would appear then that what looks like US stonewalling on an Iran attack is a positive development.  However, this is a very dangerous game of brinkmanship Washington is playing.

As previously noted in B2Wire articles, if Israel perceives the US as unwilling to support a strike, it significantly increases the probability that Israel will use nuclear weapons and false flag tactics to cause Iran maximum damage and pull the US into the war.  This is a critical strategic calculus because Israel does not have the strategic depth or capital to weather a prolonged Iranian War and retaliation that will likely reach Israel’s home front.  Israel must have an attack plan that quickly eliminates Iran’s retaliatory capability up front because planning assumptions beyond a first strike imply inherit risk and uncertainty.  By initiating an attack via a false flag strategy, Israel gets the added advantages of confusing Iran, buying time, and potentially suckering Iran into attacking the US and forcing us into a war on their behalf.  Further, if Israel assesses that the US is unlikely to become involved, the only option that is likely to produce decisive and lasting setbacks to the Iranian nuclear capability would through the execution of a nuclear strike.  Without the use of nuclear weapons, Israel simply does not have the military capability to execute a broad and lasting decisive strike against both Iran’s nuclear facilities and retaliatory capabilities without accepting a high risk of failure and increased casualties.

Based on this, B2Wire analysts recommend that the US engage Israel and Iran in a forceful and direct manner designed to de-escalate and assuage both sides’ fears.  The US military would better serve US national security interests by being used to prevent either side attacking the other than it would in supporting an attack by one side against the other.

By Guiles Hendrik

Mogadishu Moment in Libya: US Diplomats Murdered

Massive Libyan Mob Sacks US Diplomatic Posts in Libya

Today headlines broke carrying graphic footage and accounts of chaos in Libya.  The violence has resulted in the death of the US Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and at least three other Americans.  Piecing together what transpired is still in the initial stages, but a review of the known evidence is telling of a foreign policy disaster.  B2W analysts warned from the very beginning of the civil war in Libya that intervention and support of factions made up of Islamic extremists and led by at least one former Gitmo detainee was ill advised…can we say “we told you so?”

First, from reports we know two of the Americans killed were highly trained members of the Diplomatic Security Service and an unknown number wounded.  Although details of whether they were Security Protective Specialists (SPS) or Special Agents remains unknown, these security officers typically have over a decade of law enforcement and or previous military expertise with elite special forces units in combat.  Their deaths show beyond any doubt that the retaking of the compound was intense, high level combat against a well-armed and coordinated enemy.  The firefight included enemy use of heavy weapons such as rocket-propelled-grenades (RPGs), machine guns, improvised explosive devices, and potentially even mortars and raged for hours.  These are not weapons of a mob, but of a well armed military or terrorist faction.  Only a large, well-organized group enjoying at least partial support from the local government in major urban centers of Libya could have accomplished this.

Next, the fact that both the US diplomatic enclaves were attacked in a near simultaneous fashion by large  groups (in the hundreds) that sent the local security fleeing and left the Americans at the mercy of the mob screams of a coordinated attack plan.  American embassies are hardened to resist these type attacks, but it is clear that the defenses were breached and not designed for the threat level required for a country like Libya.  Nonetheless, only through prior intelligence, surveillance, and heavy weapons would this still have been possible to this degree as security enhancements had been added.  Small arms simply are not sufficient overwhelm the defenses of a U.S. embassy or consulate.

Motives for these attacks have been primarily linked to a video allegedly portraying the Prophet Muhammad in a negative light; however, a more likely motive is available.  Al Qaeda’s leader, Ayman al Zawahiri in a video released to his Al Qaeda affiliates on September 11, 2012 urged revenge attacks against Americans for the drone killing of Abu al-Libi.  Abu al-Libi, as his name suggests, was a Libyan and leader of Al Qaeda cells.  Many of his fellow jihadist fighters were active participants in the violent overthrow and murder of the former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi.  Further, members of Ansar al Sharia, a known Libyan political organization that has been widely considered the Libyan arm of Al Qaeda, was witnessed at the scene of the massacres.  Note that Ansar al Sharia is an organization that Gaddafi tried to suppress before the U.S began providing its members support to overthrow Gaddafi.  Ambassador Stevens was a vocal supporter of this action to arm known former and current jihadists.

Collectively looking at the picture, it is clear White House statements suggesting this was a small, uncoordinated, non-representive cadre of thugs are simply untrue.  Pictures alone show that the mob was massive, persisted for hours, and was well armed.  Further, it appears that jumping to blame a video made in a free country that protects free speech is grossly reactionary and premature.  In fact, it appear now that the immediate use of this explanation may be done for political reasons to spin attention from the fact that a very real Al Qaeda threat has been created in Libya by a deliberate, yet ill-conceived plan by the White House.

From a security perspective, it is clear the U.S. Embassy in Libya was not prepared and significantly underestimated the threat.  From a manpower perspective, it is the host nation’s responsiblity to protect foreign diplomats, but common sense should dictate a robust security staff for any high-threat country like Libya.  More “shooters” would likely have repulsed the attack and saved the Ambassador and other Americans.  Further, accepting the risk of using a temporary building rather than a purpose-built embassy that incorporated the latest security and defensive measures in a high-threat nation was a critical failure.  Warnings about the poor state of security readiness have been raised for years and were not implemented in a timely fashion.  The decision to stay in a soft compound approaches reckless and stupid since the country threat was known to be high.  Not only is it still not stable and internecine post-revolution violence continues, but a bomb was planted in front of the US Consulate in June that detonated wounding a local guard.

On the intelligence front, the CIA and Department of State threat intelligence organizations failed to effectively warn of this impending storm.  This is the second massive failure in as many weeks.  The previous weekend a US Consulate Peshawar motorcade was obliterated in a vehicle borne suicide bombing attack in Pakistan resulting in the wounding of two outstanding and highly experienced American security specialists.

All of this points to the single responsible person, the ambassador.  The ambassador is charged with the ultimate care and safety of all United States citizens in his country and as such, this disaster is a direct result of his leadership and guidance.  Much like a ship’s captain going down with the ship, Ambassador Stevens went down with his ship.  Sadly, Ambassador Stevens appears to have been a dedicated, well-liked, and highly educated diplomat, but failed to recognize the difference between the ground truth and ideological concepts.  For this, he and at least three other Americans unnecessarily paid the ultimate price.

By Guiles Hendrik


Evidence Mounting of Israeli Attack on Iran before November

Israeli armor preparing for an assault on Gaza

B2W has been providing nearly daily updates on Israel’s preparations for an attack on Iran.  Further evidence of an imminent Israeli attack on Iran appeared Monday in the Israeli news media.  Alon Ben-David a Channel 10 reporter provided insider commentary that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was “closer than ever” to a decision to attack and was “determined to attack Iran before the U.S. elections.”  He further noted that there were strong divisions behind the scenes in the Israeli government regarding the decision to attack.  The Israeli President Shimon Peres, its army’s top generals, the intelligence community, and the United States were opposed to an attack.  Ben-David finished stating that he didn’t think anything President Obama could say at this point could change Netanyahu’s decision.

These statements are particularly telling.  For one, the opposition inside Israel’s military and intelligence communities suggest that the attack plan has some significant risks and that the intelligence does not suggest an imminent threat from Iran.  This apprehension seems to match what the U.S. military and intelligence communities have concluded specific to Iran’s nuclear program and should be a red-flag for anyone in the U.S. wanting to charge head first into another war.

The statements respective of the attack being timed before the U.S. election also follows B2W analyst predictions.  Specifically, any attack launched before the U.S. elections forces President Obama’s hand into supporting Israel or risking looking weak and unsupportive to Israel, which could likely cost him the election.  The notion that Netanyahu can’t be talked out of it is very disturbing and suggests his mind is made up on an attack.  This should worry analysts because even though there is signficant opposition to an attack within Israel, Netanyahu carries significant power and can muster a majority of support within the government.

Based on this reporting, B2W analysts are continuing to maintain that not only is an Israeli strike likely, it will most likely occur between September 15th and October 15th.  This window covers two new moon phases beginning two days before Rosh Hashana and ending with the next new moon.  This block corresponds well to the timing of previous Israeli military strikes in early fall during waxing or waning moon phases close to a new moon.  It also allows for the U.N. General Assembly, which begins on the September 18th, to become the forum Israel can use to broker a cease-fire after it has struck Iran hard in the event the war doesn’t go well or the U.S. doesn’t enter the war on Israel’s behalf.

Beyond October 15th, B2W analysts see increasingly diminishing chances of an attack until after the November elections.  This would be getting too close to the election for the impact of U.S. support for or against the war to affect the outcome.  In fact, the current President could bluff support until after the election and then do nothing for Israel.  However, a strike much earlier allows Israel’s lobby time to build pressure on both candidates to take action on Israel’s behalf.  Also, beyond October 15th, the moon is in a waxing phase moving daily away from optimum low light conditions for an attack.

Why should you care?  Both American and world interests are at stake.  An Israeli strike will be a disaster for the region and world economies.  Further, any unilateral strike will likely place the U.S. military and NATO forces in serious jeopardy and likely lead to many more unnecessary deaths if Iran chooses to rightfully retaliate broadly.  As such, any attack by Israel against Iran must be stopped and other avenues to peace exhausted.

By Guiles Hendrik

Three New Zealand Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan Marks Grim Milestone

Our sympathies go out to the families of the three members of the New Zealand Defense force that were killed by a roadside blast recently in Bamyan Province, Afghanistan.  One of the deceased, Lance Corporal Jacinda Baker was assigned as a medic and marks the first female loss for the New Zealand force.  The three were assigned to the Bamyan Provisional Reconstruction Team (PRT).

The three deaths alone are horrific, but mark a disturbing trend in another province of Afghanistan.  Bamyan province has for the most part during the war remained relatively quiet and peaceful with casualties being few.  The New Zealand PRT has owned this battle space throughout the war.  While there, the PRT’s mission was to help the local population through a number of development programs. However, it appears that after a decade of hard work, the tide is turning against even the best intentioned of our soldiers in Afghanistan.  Could this be a one off?  Possibly, but in light of the other deteriorating metrics across the country this seems to be more evidence of a fundamental change in the tide of the war than a simple statistical anomally.

By Guiles Hendrik

U.S. and Israeli Navies Hold Joint Exercise for War with Iran

Annual Reliant Mermaid naval exercise

Continuing with our exclusive reporting of the secret preparations for a war with Iran, Chinese news disclosed a joint military exercise in the Mediterranean Sea this week.  Although the U.S. military downplayed the report as a scheduled annual exercise to improve search and rescue coordination for humanitarian operations, it included live fire of weapons and tests of the Aegis shipboard RADAR.  Aegis plays a critical role in missile defense and its role in the drill seemed to be suspiciously absent from U.S. and Israel mass media news outlets.  The Navy can make a case for their inclusion, but it appears that the exercise wasn’t for promoting “humanitarian” operations unless now doctrine dictates shooting down missiles and firing naval guns during the evacuation of refugees.

Notably absent this year from the joint exercise was Turkey.  Understandably, relations between Israel and Turkey have not been good and makes for a legitimate reason for their failure to participate.  However, the U.S. could have still conducted independent operations with the Turkish Navy and this was not the case.

We offer another explanation for this drill and Turkey’s absence.  The U.S. and Israel don’t trust Turkey and were rehearsing operations in preparation for a war with Iran.  They don’t want that information to “somehow” get back to Iran.  NATO in particular has known for years that Turkey has been playing both sides in the escalating Iran conflict and according to many reports, has not only passed sensitive military secrets to Iran, but allowed Iran to move weapons and equipment through its airspace in support of Syria.  Turkey’s questionable loyalties may have been the real reason operations excluded them this year.  Further, the use of Aegis RADAR is a clear signal that this exercise was more about missile defense than humanitarian anything.

By Guiles Hendrik

More Clues War with Iran is Near: Tapping Strategic Petroleum Reserves

President Obama recently announced his desire to dust off plans for tapping the United States’ Strategic Petroleum Reserves.  This is the latest in a series of actions by the Administration suggesting the U.S. is quietly preparing for a war with Iran in the near future.  Further, this closely held knowledge is a tell-tale indicator that senior U.S. planners expect a war with Iran to disrupt oil supplies.  As such, Americans should prepare to see gas prices easily double and rationing as early as this fall if Israel is not prevented from attacking.  Prepare now.

The Obama Administration suggested this move was to help bring the gas prices down and counter heavy speculation on the futures market.  The problem is this explanation fails to neither make sense nor justify its use.  Tapping the reserves will have only minimal impact on prices and the U.S. will ultimately need to replenish the used petroleum so the purchasing of petroleum by the U.S. will actually show no net change.  Granted, the cost of gasoline in the U.S. is at oppressive levels, but has been for years now without any need to draw from strategic reserves.  If this was effective, it could have been done years ago.

Others have suggested political motives stating Obama wanted to lower gas prices before the election and to help the economy, but for the already aforementioned reasons, this at best, would be limited and short-term.  At current consumption rates for imported petroleum, U.S. reserves would barely last two months.  However, even that is misleading because the maximum withdrawal capacity is only around 4.4 million barrels per day…roughly a fifth of what the U.S. uses per day in unrefined capacity.  Production is currently above demand so additional reserves being added to the already abundant oil market will again do little.  Further, U.S. refineries already operate at peak capacity so the “extra” oil would go nowhere.  If this was actually a feasible plan for jump starting the economy, why didn’t Obama do this long ago?

Finally, some Administration insiders have leaked that this was in fact a way to drive down increased oil prices to hurt Iran.  Since additional sanctions went into place on July 1st against Iran, oil prices have climbed due in part to approximately 1 million barrels per day of oil being taken off the market.  However, Iran has still found markets, as we predicted and is actually enjoying increased revenue from the price spike.  If the U.S. was serious about sanctioning Iran, they would not have given exemptions to nearly every country, such as China and Japan, that were already importing Iranian oil.   Considering that the markets had over a year ago priced in this event, the Saudis have increased production, and the U.S. has a surplus of oil, as identified above, this explanation too fails to justify tapping the reserves.

In reality, the Obama Administration is “dusting off” plans to draw on the strategic reserves because they are expecting disruptions to oil supplies in the near future.  The strategic reserves serve one purpose.  This purpose is to provide essential petroleum to refineries to support critical U.S. infrastructure including power generation plants, key industry, heating, and transportation.  Oh, and the military is who gets first dibs!  This is only done to supplement imports during emergency situations such as war or natural disaster.  The last two uses were to supplement production knocked offline by Hurricane Katrina and the temporary loss of Libyan production during the height of its civil war.

The major disruption that the U.S. is getting ready for without setting off alarms is an attack on Iran.  The U.S. knows that even in the best of outcomes, a military strike on Iran will spike fuel costs and cause at least a temporary disruption in global oil supplies.  At worst, production throughout the entire Gulf region could be destroyed and the world would face a chain of catastrophic events beginning with a massive price spike and shortages.  Further, the U.S. (taxpayer) most likely is going to get stuck with resupplying Israel with oil as it has previously done when oil to Israel has been cut off due to its wars.  Either way, it is a prudent move for any commander about to attack a country with one of the largest reserves of oil to be ready for supplies to be shut off.  A war is the single reasonable answer to this so be forewarned.

By Guiles Hendrik


Top Marine Officer Out of Touch: Believes Americans Killed Sign of “Winning”

The price being paid by our most honorable and brave daily!

In a jaw-dropping display of ignorance to the ground situation in Afghanistan, the top Marine Corps officer stated that the sustained rate of casualties inflicted on coalition personnel are a sign we are “winning the fight!”  The Commandant of the Marines Corps General Amos, went on to describe these “green on blue” killings as acts of a “desperate enemy.”  Ironically, his comments were conveyed to Marines in Afghanistan in a letter from the U.S. that was intended to improve morale.

The Commandant showed his complete disconnect with Marines in the field and his attempt to bolster morale utterly failed.  Not only are these attacks effective and very well coordinated, but they have been sustained and are increasing.  This General, IS NOT a sign of a desperate enemy.  This is a sign of an enemy effectively exploiting a critical vulnerability in our non-existent Afghanistan strategy.  Further, why would an enemy be “desperate” after surviving and thriving for over a decade against the full force of NATO knowing the Americans are retreating within a year?

Our trajectory in Afghanistan has followed the Soviet playbook of two decades prior relatively speaking to the letter and will end no differently.  The Afghan military and police are simply not going to be able to effectively deal with the Taliban.  At best, barely 10% of Afghan police and military are able to operate independently after billions of dollars and a decade of U.S. training and advising, and this is only with advisors and support!  Obviously to everyone but General Amos, our advisors are having serious problems now and this will only get worse as NATO forces retreat home.  What’s worse, is that training and advising have ZERO historical precedent for success against cross-border, state supported insurgencies like in Afghanistan.  The Taliban however, have operated just fine without support or advisors.  When the U.S. is not there to provide support, the Afghan military will simply be absorbed back into the Taliban and former Northern Alliance as civil war will return to Afghanistan.  This is the blatantly clear reality General Amos is trying to vainly keep from the warfighters on the ground and the American public.

It is clear that it is time to either dramatically shift strategy or bring our troops home.  Further, it is even more evidence of the need to completely replace senior military leadership, which after more than a decade of war has failed to achieve decisive results favorable to the U.S.  Call your representatives and demand accountability and removal of failed military leadership!

By Guiles Hendrik

Israel’s Battle Plan for Iran: The war has begun!

Israel’s submarine fleet will launch the initial strikes against Iran.

Media reports suggest war between Israel and Iran appears imminent within the coming months, but in fact, has already begun.  Perhaps, this reality has been completely missed because the media convinced itself and the public the opening salvos for an Israeli attack on Iran would look like an air force bombing raid of Iranian nuclear installations.  We have pointed out for years this air force centric battle plan has been a deception operation as a true bombing raid would be too likely to fail and not achieve decisive long term effects.  Further, a limited Osirak type raid would leave the Israeli homeland completely vulnerable to organized and sustained retaliatory strikes.  Contrary to how the ill-informed pundits thought this war would play out, Israel has a much better war plan to support “its interests” that is unfolding as you read this piece. Whether or not the United States willing joins the war will affect this battle plan and impact “how bad” it will be for the U.S.  The best case would be an immediate move by Washington to decisively prevent war between Israel and Iran, but that seems highly unlikely now.  As such, one must assume the U.S. maintains its current policy towards Iran and will attempt to stay on the sidelines “hoping” Israel won’t attack.  Under those conditions, the following Israeli battle plan will likely be executed within the next 4-8 weeks.

The basic plan is as follows:

Phase I:  Prepare the populace and the military for war.  Obtain needed intelligence of the battlefield and attempt to build war sentiment inside Israel and the U.S.  Finalize acquisition of weapons systems and ordnance.  Place the military on a war footing.

Phase II:  Reduce the near border threat and open a safe flight path to Iran.  Using asymmetric means, degrade Hezbollah and Syria to a minimal threat incapable of sustained, coordinated, state level military operations.  Attempt to leverage the presence of chemical and biological weapons as well as friction with Turkey, a NATO member, to draw the U.S. into the war early.

Phase III:  Launch a surprise false flag attack on Iran that appears to emanate from the Americans.  The strike will include initially non-attributable electronic attacks, cyber warfare, and submarine launched missiles.  Limited commando raids may also take place.

Phase IV:   Using the plausible deniability of who conducted the initial attack, leverage the Iranian confusion to bait them into attacking the U.S. and forcing America into the war if it hasn’t already joined.

*Note:  If Iran responds discriminately only against Israel and the U.S. is not pulled into the conflict, this will be the signal for immediate, large scale follow-on attacks that will obliterate Iran’s infrastructure.  This is necessary to mitigate the potential damage inside Israel from retaliatory strikes.

Phase V:  Bring war to rapid closure and hand-off the conflict to the U.S military within 30 days.  If Iran continues to retaliate against Israel, Israel will respond with further massive missile strikes with follow-on strikes by the air force using manned and unmanned platforms.  The Israeli military will relentlessly attack Iran to inflict maximum damage and casualties so as to force U.S. intervention and or the U.N. to broker a cease fire. 

*Should Iran, Hezbollah, or Syria attempt to or actually retaliate using chemical or biological weapons, if Iran is able to heavily attack Israel successfully, or if Israel is unable to achieve its goals in the reduction of Iranian nuclear facilities, Israel plans to use nuclear weapons to achieve victory and protect its homeland.

To understand Israel’s actual battle plan formulation, one must first turn the chessboard around and understand Israel’s goals, perceptions, and capabilities in the manner Israeli decision makers see the pieces.  Foremost in their minds has to be the preservation of the Jewish State.  Any limited attack that achieved indecisive goals, but risked the homeland would not be suitable.  Second, Israeli leadership, specifically, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, perceives Iran as an existential threat that must be destroyed at all costs.  However, Netanyahu is clever and cunning enough to know better than getting into a fair fight with Iran.

Israel’s national capabilities, which relative to other Middle Eastern countries are immense, include a first rate military and renowned air force.  Their navy has also made great strides and has spent a massive amount of money acquiring latest generation retrofitted German-diesel submarines capable of launching long range missiles.  Respective of strategic weapons, Israel has what is believed to be a significant stockpile of nuclear weapons that could provide deterrent, first, and second strike options during a war.  These nuclear weapons could be delivered by aircraft, drones, or missiles launched from the land, sea, or air.  Further, Israel has demonstrated an advanced technological arsenal that includes electronic and cyber warfare capabilities, missile defense systems, surveillance and reconnaissance assets, and is a world leader in the design and production of drones and other autonomous systems.  Nonetheless, Israel still has a very limited power projection capability beyond its shores.  It also has limited natural resources, finances, and industrial capabilities.  Perhaps most worrisome when assessing a war of attrition with Iran, Israel is acutely aware it has relatively limited land area and a small population.  This means any successful deployment of Iranian weapons such as missiles and rockets are more likely to cause significant casualties and damage and quickly reduce the public will and support for a sustained.  In short, Israel can’t domestically endure significant military damage and neither can its elected leaders.  Netanyahu is keenly aware of the fate of former Prime Minister Olmert after the failed 2006 Lebanon War.  Finally, Israel has a powerful international support base of wealthy elites and routinely demonstrates the significant power of its lobbying infrastructure to maneuver political will inside the United States.

Next, one must understand Iran’s capabilities in a similar manner.  Iran’s regime is most afraid of losing power and inversely, is most concerned with maintaining power.  Maintaining power, much like in other countries is predicated on polarizing the masses and using religion as a patriotic call to national defense.  In Iran’s case, painting Israel and the U.S. as the enemy is a relatively easy case in light of the repeated wars on Muslim lands and peoples, three decades of crippling sanctions, assassination of its scientists, and repeatedly addressing Iran as an existential evil threat that must be destroyed.  This demonization of Israel and the U.S. is woven intricately into the fiber of Iran and has no doubt radicalized much of its population.  Iran has used this fervor to build up a substantial military that has grown more and more independent of foreign assistance and military hardware sales.  This has been the result of adapting to decades of sanctions and has to some degree inoculated Iran from further effects of sanctions.  Iran’s large population and land area make it more able to endure and absorb repeated attacks.   Iran also has significant reserves of both oil and gas and enjoys the disproportionate political sway it gains by influencing the global economy.  Regarding Iran’s military, it has a large pool of conscripts, a substandard air force, and inferior weapons technology.  However, Iran has learned from the U.S. and Israeli wars over the last decade and has made itself a much more capable enemy.  It has developed a dispersed, decentralized, civilian militia capable or harassing any occupying military endlessly.  It has also developed robust anti-access technologies to include many anti-ship missiles, naval mines, small fast attack missile boats, significantly improved air defense systems, and surface to surface missiles with significantly improved targeting and range.  Iran also maintains stockpiles of both chemical and biological weapons that could be used in retaliation for an attack.  Most worrisome to Israel though is Iran’s development of a 5th column in Lebanon consisting of Hezbollah, which is reportedly to now be rearmed with hundreds of thousands of shorter range rockets and anti-tank weapons and a client state in Syria with a fully capable conventional military sitting on Israel’s border.

Using the above as a general framework to begin piecing together assumptions about an Israeli war plan, it should be clear that a prolonged war is not in Israel’s interests, an invasion or occupation of Iran would be impossible, and Israel can’t afford to endure prolonged attacks domestically.  Defensively, although Israel’s missile defense systems could likely shield it from most long range Iranian missiles, it would likely be overwhelmed by a massive launch of rockets and missiles from Hezbollah.  A Syrian supported front on Israel’s border would also open a fight bigger than Israel is willing to undertake and allow Iran to continuously resupply Hezbollah.  Iran’s anti-access technologies are not much of a threat to Israel since Israel is located far beyond the range of these weapons, but Iran’s air defense system must be contended with if a manned strike is to be successful.  Israel also can’t afford risking the possibility of an Iranian chemical or biological retaliation.  As such, Hezbollah and Syria must be neutralized before any attack could take place to remove the immediate threat to Israel’s homeland and Iran’s retaliatory capabilities in respect to Israel must be eliminated.  Israel must also seek out a plan that enables its piloted aircraft to successfully make round trip sorties to and from Iran.  Note that how Iran’s response affects “Israel” in this calculus is not the same as how Iran’s response affects the “U.S.”  This is an ominous observation for the U.S.

Moving forward and building out the attack plan, a basic order of operations can be established.  First, the homeland must be prepared to endure retaliatory strikes and the military assets must be in place.  This includes generating the propaganda and domestic support for a war as well as developing and procuring the proper military technology, equipment, and weapons.  Jointly, diplomatic avenues must be exhausted and low-level covert war options must have had a chance to work.  Finally, a thorough intelligence preparation of the battlefield must have been completed.  Second, Hezbollah and Syria’s ability to jointly wage war on Iran’s behalf must be at least neutralized in a way to not spark an outright kinetic war with Iran.  Israel cannot prosecute a war with Iran successfully without first eliminating this close border threat.  Third, Iran must then be attacked violently by surprise in a total fashion that prevents any possibility of it being able to respond with missiles capable of striking Israel.  Fourth, Israel must leverage this initial surprise attack to pull the U.S. into the war.  This will be necessary to achieve more decisive long term effects on Iran’s nuclear development and minimal expense to Israel in manpower and money.  Finally, Israel must bring the hostilities to a rapid closure.  This means either handing off the sustained large scale campaign to the United States or prosecuting further attacks against Iran to increase the amount of damage done and forcing a peace treaty or ceasefire.  This final phase could go as far as delivering a final decisive blow using nuclear weapons (or the threat of it to make sure the U.S. finishes their fight) if Iran has somehow managed to inflict severe damage on Israel proper.

Now that a clear order of operations has been established, it is a relatively simple process of plugging in Israel’s capabilities to their proper place and adding a dash of strategy and deception to achieve surprise.  To be specific, this war plan has already been implemented and is under way.  In fact, we are nearing the end of Phase II.  The destabilization of Syria is the Phase II answer for how to take down Iran’s capabilities to threaten Israel at its border without immediately provoking a war.  Rest assured, under no other lesser circumstances would Israel allow Sunni backed jihadists to overthrow Assad, a ruler that Israel has maintained an awkward détente with for years.  This would be trading a tolerable for horrible.  Phase II will now continue until Syria is assessed to have been rendered incapable of organized, state level, sustained military operations against Israel.  The residual jihadists fighting amongst themselves like in Libya for power will be used as an excuse later to deal with Syria in totality after Iran is attacked and the U.S. is suckered into the war (assuming the U.S. can’t be suckered into the war sooner using Syria as a pretext).  Still though, Israel doesn’t believe Hezbollah will be completely neutralized by this.  Instead, they project that Hezbollah’s ability to sustain combat operations will be extremely degraded without Syria to funnel supplies and support from Iran to them, but still will have the ability to launch attacks for 3-4 weeks.  To mitigate the residual threat from Hezbollah, Israel has implemented Iron Dome, an air defense system capable of shooting down rockets and missiles launched from Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon and Syria.  Israel has also developed in-depth civilian preparedness programs to include alert systems, bunkers, drills, and rapid response capabilities to mitigate any damage from any attacks that are successful.

Phase III of the war is yet to begin, but will likely correlate with the neutralization of Syria before the fall elections in the U.S. This window is critical because Netanyahu knows that any strike before the election essentially forces President Obama to support it or risk losing the election.  Obama has to pull votes of Southern Baptists and conservative Christians from Romney, and most importantly, must have Jewish support in the form of money and votes; especially, in a swing state like Florida, to win.  Should Obama leave Israel hanging, it will open him up to massive attacks from the neo-conservative Zionist Romney as weak and not supportive.  As such, Obama could be cornered into either actively taking part in a war or unwillingly being forced into Israel’s war.  Both situations are catastrophic for the U.S., but good for Israel.  If Netanyahu waits, he risks losing his opportunity to pull the U.S. into the war; especially, if Obama is reelected, which looks to be the case based on current polling numbers.

Phase III will begin the actual kinetic phase of operations against Iran.  It will start with an unprecedented electronic attack that includes wide spread cyber-attacks, disinformation and deception operations, jamming, and potentially the used of targeted electronic pulse weapons to blind and destroy the situational awareness of Iran’s command and control elements to include destruction of Iran’s power grid and telecommunications networks.  Nearly simultaneously, Israel will launch its largest missile attack in the nation’s history.  It will include the full range of missiles launched from the air, ground, and sea.  Jericho ballistic missiles with modified heavy payloads and submarine launched missiles will be some of the primary weapons used.  Submarines will likely launch first.  Israel has secretly poured billions of U.S. tax dollars into the development of its submarines and their launch capabilities.  This has not been by accident.  In fact, tracking the location of Israel’s submarines will be one of the best indicators for when Israel is about to strike.  The U.S. should put a premium on shadowing these subs over any other submarine missions currently on-going.  In fact, there is a reasonable argument that the U.S. should use whatever force is necessary to prevent Israeli subs from launching an attack due to the dire consequences it will have for America.  Israel will also likely use a mix of attack drones to carry out some of the initial wave of attacks.  Israel may also use an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapon to destroy Iranian electronics and black out their grid.  This could come in the form of a high altitude nuclear detonation.

Phase IV will be executed in parallel with Phase III and leverage the ambiguity and the violence of the initial phase of electronic warfare and submarine strikes to hopefully bait Iran into incorrectly assessing the attack as coming from the U.S.  This is likely as it will be a very advanced attack, primarily submarine launched, and have no humans initially involved.  This looks like a classic sterile American type attack and gives Israel plausible deniability while confusing the Iranian decision cycle.  This false flag, deception operation is classic Israeli military doctrine and emblematic of Israel’s past military operations.  If Iran perceives the attack to be from the U.S., its response is much more likely to be extreme in that it either does nothing and capitulates or retaliates broadly at American and Arab interests in the region instead of Israeli targets.  Military bases, American warships, and oil infrastructure are the most likely targets for Iran and would bring both the U.S. and Iran’s neighbors such as Saudi Arabia into the war against it.  This would allow Israel to bow out of the fight it started successfully.  Further, the operational pause in the Iranian decision cycle allows Israel to assess how it completes Phase III and moves to Phase V.  If Iran does nothing, mission accomplished.  If Iran retaliates against the U.S. and it is clear the Americans will enter the war, mission accomplished.  However, if Iran retaliates against Israel selectively and or the U.S. doesn’t get immediately into the war, Israel must immediately move to mitigate any possible retaliatory damage Iran can inflict.  This means that Israel will complete Phase III with clearly attributable Jericho missile strikes and strikes from drones against a much broader range of targets to include Iranian missile sites, command and control centers, and oil infrastructure in addition to nuclear facilities.

Moving into Phase V, Israel will again attempt to pull the U.S. into the war if it did not succeed in Phases III and IV.  They will most likely threaten to have to use nuclear weapons to finish it or start a bigger war with Syria that risks entire regional destabilization.  In exchange for Israel restraining its attacks, America will enter.  If not, Israel will move into their least desirable portion of the entire operation and begin manned airstrikes against Iranian targets by transiting Syrian airspace.  Israel must plan on losing some of its aircraft and crew during this phase, but ultimately, they will be able to successfully hit targets in in the north and west of Iran.  Jericho missiles will have to attack the more distant targets if the U.S. failed to enter the war.  Once Israel has exhausted its target list and U.S. supplied heavy ordnance penetrators, Israel will enter into United Nations peace negotiations, which undoubtedly will be in full swing to try and stop the “humanitarian suffering.”

The ominous caveat to this five phase war plan comes if from the outset, Israel knows that the U.S. will not get involved, is unable to achieve mission goals, or if Iran, Syria, or Hezbollah appears to be about to retaliate with chemical or biological weapons.  In any of the three scenarios listed, Israel may very well use nuclear weapons to achieve its goals.  The saying no plan survives first contact is absolutely gospel and for Israel, that means they must have a worst case scenario plan at the ready.  Dangerously, their worst case also equals our worst case from an American perspective.  Any war in the Middle East is going to be awful, but a nuclear war will be catastrophic.  Nonetheless, the Israelis see it as acceptable for their nation’s survival even though it probably also means the end of life as we know it in the U.S. as the global economy collapses and we are forced to try and contain the literal fallout of “their” war.

The above war plan is the baseline for Israel’s planning against Iran that they have desperately tried to keep secret.  What Americans must realize, including both the President and his challenger Mitt Romney, is that Israel’s plan for war is fundamentally designed for Israeli interests.  The battle plan does not take into account any equities that the U.S. or other Arab countries may have when it comes to getting caught in the crossfire.  An Israeli strike will not achieve decisive long term effects, but obliterate Iran’s infrastructure and throw the entire region into greater instability.  The damage will reach much further than Iran’s borders and disrupt regional power grids, global economies, and set loose another decade of sectarian bloodshed and ethnic conflict.  Should the U.S. voluntarily involve itself from the beginning, the battle plan will decidedly shift to take into account American interests and capabilities, but will still be horrible for the U.S. and not achieve decisive long term results.  Still though, the hope that we could control the chaos better may be enough to sucker America into the fight unilaterally on Israel’s behalf.  President Obama, if seriously threatened by Romney, may also opt to create a convenient crisis before the election to distract the voters and spin it to his benefit.  However, should the U.S. be forced into a surprise war with Iran through Israeli deception and a potential false flag attack, the U.S. would suffer much worse and achieve even less decisive results.  Either way, the cost of a war is much too great for Americans to accept.  This is not America’s war.  American policy MUST look out for American interests first.  This means Israel must be stopped from starting a war that will cause global disaster for the U.S.

Why War with Iran will be a Disaster for America

Iranian Missile Launch

Iranian missiles are capable of threatening the region if attacked.

This article is one of an exclusive Black Box Wire multi-part series on the upcoming war with Iran.  This article discusses the feasibility of a successful strike to stop Iran’s nuclear development.  If America is going to be led into another war, the public deserves  to be properly informed about what it is about to undertake.  In future exclusive articles, the Israeli offensive attack plan for Iran will be exposed, the threat Iran actually presents will be debunked, the likely costs of an Iran War will be assessed, and finally alternative options to war will be presented. 

Over a decade of continuous global wars should have shown Americans that there are no clean, quick, bloodless wars.  American invasions of both Iraq and Afghanistan have led to hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded, trillions of dollars in debt, a virtual police state domestically, and anything but decisive and favorable ends to those wars.  Yet, once again the United States sits on the edge of plunging head first into the dangerous waters of an even bigger war.  War propaganda and poorly informed, but well spun rhetoric from the media, AIPAC lobbyists, and bought politicians would lead the public to believe a single strike or short lived military campaign against Iran would lead to a swift end of its alleged nuclear aspirations.  Before American citizens and their shrinking capital are committed to another utterly disastrous war, the public deserves a fair accounting of the true situation from a military perspective on whether or not a military strike will achieve a decisive and favorable end for the United States.

To gain this understanding, it is essential to dismiss the rhetoric that a quick and bloodless campaign could achieve decisive results.  Decisive results would require the military to achieve a permanent end to Iran’s nuclear ambitions, which most likely involves a concurrent regime change.  This article will demonstrate that neither a decisive end to Iran’s nuclear capabilities nor a change in regime is even remotely likely or possible without a massive, long term, costly, and bloody war.  The fact that decisive short term effects are neither possible nor expected should forewarn the reader that the military options respective of effecting U.S. strategic goals toward Iran are simply not viable.  Short of an imminent threat to the United States homeland by a nuclear armed Iran, where a total war would both be necessary and justifiable, war will not solve this problem for America.  As such, alternative, non-military options toward Iran must be sought.

Contemporary military history is an apt starting point for this analysis.  American military disasters in both Iraq and Afghanistan simply do not justify any belief that the U.S. will be able to achieve decisive ends in Iran via a short surgical strike.  For comparison, consider Iran’s neighbors Iraq and Afghanistan, which were far less militarily capable or technologically sophisticated when invaded.  These two relatively weak countries have tied down the U.S. military for over a decade.  To date, neither war has achieved decisive strategic ends favorable for the United States.  Based on the significant expenditure of time, money, material, and lives spent to prosecute wars in Afghanistan and Iraq for a gain of nothing and loss of much, one must estimate that any future war with Iran would end up costing at least as much and likely significantly more than Iraq and Afghanistan.  Even worse, the strategic planners and senior policy makers that left the U.S. military drifting aimlessly without real leadership or a winning strategy from the very outset are still occupying the halls of the Pentagon and government.   Combined, it is difficult to conceive of a scenario short of a nuclear strike that would not lead to an even greater indecisive and costly war for the U.S.  To be specific, neither regime change nor a permanent end to Iran’s nuclear ambitions will be achieved by a limited surgical strike.  Iran is too big, too populous, too distributed, and too determined for a single limited strike to be effective.

Delving further into the viability of a military strategy respective of Iran, the timeline and details of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq provide even clearer evidence a strike won’t work or at least a more realistic view of the investment a war with Iran will require.  The situation in Iraq is particularly telling.  It began over two decades ago with Operations Desert Shield and Storm (The Gulf War), which were a massive coalition offensive using conventional military force numbers established for a war with the Soviet Union and a worldwide coalition.  To put this in perspective, this war was begun before most of your young military recruits today were even alive!  This war of limited objectives still required a massive military buildup, long term bombing campaigns, and then a massive land attack to achieve Iraq’s withdrawal from Kuwait.  However, the Iraq war required another decade of lower level military operations enforcing embargoes and no fly zones that tied down immense military resources and then another full blown war to verifiably disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction and remove Saddam Hussein.  Even now, after more than 20 years, the U.S. is still embroiled in an Iraq; a country that is not permissive for Americans to walk without fear of murder on the streets, acts contrary to U.S. interests, and still may likely split into independent nations with Kurdistan being the most likely candidate to break away first.  Iraq is not an anomaly as our tenuous and deteriorating situation in Afghanistan after a decade of war per the latest National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) assessed.  Those that believe the hollow cheers from the Obama administration that Afghans have taken the lead and things are improving in Afghanistan should take a moment to speak with returning ground soldiers or intelligence analysts.  The all know the game is over and the U.S. is leaving the country in defeat just as the Soviets did over two decades earlier.  Still skeptical believers might also consider reading a recent GAO study on the condition of Afghanistan’s military and police forces to operate on their own.  According to the GAO study, barely 10% of Afghanistan’s military and police forces are capable of operations.  Of these, they still require advisors and support.  When the U.S. leaves, they will not be able to rely on the other 90% of units not capable of operation.  Also, consider that the Taliban have been operating just fine against the U.S. and NATO forces without advisors or support for over a ten years and are actually gaining, not losing ground.  It does not take Napoleon to see how this conflict will end after the U.S. retreat.  The Afghan forces are simply incapable of defeating the Taliban on their own and the nation will break back down into the civil war that was ongoing at the time of the U.S. invasion once America completes its retreat.  Now again, consider that Iran is a much larger, more populous, and much more technologically sophisticated country than either Iraq or Afghanistan.  One would have to be ignorant of reality to thing a short lived attack on Iran would work.

Iraq and Afghanistan also should have taught policy makers and military planners a thing or two about how a population could be expected to react to being attacked or invaded.  Iran’s population that maintains pro-western leanings is not insignificant and concentrated in the urban centers of Iran.  Iran and the United States pre-1979 had good relations and many Iranians have over the generations moved to the U.S. and become fine citizens serving in the military, intelligence, and commercial realms with distinction.  However, no matter how “noble” our excuse for war this time will be, just as in Iraq and Afghanistan, the population will turn decidedly against the U.S. and rally around the current regime should any attack take place.  To plan or believe differently is to totally disregard the most basic of human natures.  Further, even Iran’s pro-Western population also happen to overwhelmingly support Iran’s nuclear ambitions making any U.S. plans for winning popular Iranian support for an attack near zero.  To the east in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the U.S. has also witnessed a steadily growing anti-American sentiment that has coalesced around a still vigorous Taliban centered resistance.  This coupled with the sustained combat casualties, increasing Taliban control of regions, and growing calls for the withdrawal of the occupiers throughout the country should make it clear Americans are persona non grata in the region and will leave in defeat.  If a policy goal of the U.S. is to replace the current Iranian regime, an attack alone would be significantly counterproductive and actually bolster the Iranian regime.  It is important to note the case for regime change in Iran is fundamentally different than the support provided to Libyan rebels after a full scale civil war had already broke out with sides pro-regime and anti-regime.  Nonetheless, one need not debate the questionable benefits of supporting a rebel force, be it in Libya or Syria, comprised of Islamic extremists that have committed numerous atrocities and are still fighting amongst themselves with tons of extremely dangerous weapons left unaccounted for and now fueling insurgencies, terrorist actions, and conflicts from Nigeria to Turkey.  This should illustrate that even in the “best” of cases; things don’t ever work out as planned with regime change.  On this note, one should also consider how one could possibly secure all of Iran’s military weaponry without an occupation force.  Imagine the effect of the proliferation of millions of weapons ranging from surface-to-air missile to chemical weapons on the region and world for decades to come.

The historical evidence is convincing enough that the U.S. will again fall into the trap of an indecisive quagmire if it initiates a war with Iran, but is alone not enough to close the case.  Going beyond dismissing the rhetoric of the viability of a swift strike on Iran being feasible based on past experience, one should consider today’s specific military implications and hurdles.  To begin, statements from those in the know, leaders of military and intelligence communities, think a military option against Iran is in short, a bad idea.  These statements from both American and Israeli leaders regarding how bad the idea of war with Iran is range from “not feasible” to “stupid.”  These leaders include former U.S. Secretaries of Defense, Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and even the former head of Mossad.  They all say an attack is a bad idea and should be avoided.

In defense of the “surprise surgical strike” option, mislead and ill-informed people often point out how successful the surprise Israeli strikes on Iraq’s Osirak nuclear facility and Syria’s allegedly nuclear facility were and suggest this could be duplicated.  The problem with this logic is that these operations are not even remotely comparable in scope, complexity, difficulty, and risk.  For starters, Iran has an unknown number of nuclear related facilities spread across the entire country to ensure continuity of operations even after an expected attack.  These sites range from major gas/oil fields and remote mountain facilities, to downtown Tehran.  This means that any attack will cause significant collateral damage to both civilians and world petroleum production.  An attack would also result in a major environmental disaster.  Radioactive clouds of debris (fallout) would spread throughout the Persian Gulf region if sites like the nuclear fueled and operational reactor at Bushehr are hit.  For those that doubt this, look at the elaborate precautions the Department of Energy has taken to fortify and defend U.S. nuclear facilities.  This is necessary because very bad things happen when you bomb a fueled nuclear reactor…like meltdowns.  Next, most of these sites are hardened facilities buried underneath mountains and are ringed by layers of air defense systems.

Beyond the nuclear related facilities, Iranian deterrence and defense capabilities have evolved greatly over a decade of watching and learning from American follies and operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Most visible is Iran’s mines that could be used to choke off the Straits of Hormuz.  Supporting any mining operation is a large number of anti-ship missiles, fast attack boats, and naval attack aircraft.  Much of this Iran has taken great effort to clandestinely emplace.  Of course the U.S. military could mitigate and or destroy most of these capabilities, but it would require a massive sustained operation to first destroy Iran’s air defense systems and command and control nodes.  This could take many months and will cost billions of dollars to speak nothing of the global economic fallout from a disruption in oil supplies…even if short term.  Some will no doubt argue that our F-22 Raptors and Stealth bombers, to include drones, could penetrate Iran’s air defenses and successfully attack many of Iran’s nuclear sites.  This is true, but is reckless in the fact it completely disregards Iran’s ability to counterattack, which would still be fully intact.  Until Iran’s counter attack capabilities are neutralized, the ability to overcome its defensive systems is a moot point.  This is especially true if the U.S. Navy is expected to quickly clear the Straits of Hormuz of mines and open it to oil shipments without significant naval losses.  Any ship in the Straits or the Persian Gulf is within range of Iranian anti-ship missiles, which can be volley fired and overwhelm ship anti-missile defenses.  It is hard to imagine the American public agreeing that a strike on Iran would be worth the loss of an aircraft carrier, but the risk is very real.  Even if America used highly secretive and technical electronic warfare capabilities to neutralize or destroy Iranian electronic hardware in its air defense and missile systems, it is doubtful that they would be effective enough across all spectrums to not leave exploiting gaps.

Iran also maintains a large land army capable of attacking Americans and American interests in the region either directly or by surface to surface missiles.  These missiles would no doubt inflict serious casualties on military installations in the region and could carry chemical or biological weapons as retaliation if Iran was hit by Israeli tactical nuclear weapons.  Iran’s largest missiles are capable of reaching as far as Europe and anywhere in the Middle East so it is doubtful our missile defense systems, even as advanced as they have become, would stop every missile over this large area before it hit its target.  Domestically, Iran has invested heavily in training and equipping what amounts to a very dispersed standing civilian guerilla army with a decentralized command structure to augment its active duty military forces in the event of invasion.  These forces have been provided a host of nasty weapons that would inflict unsustainable casualties on American ground forces should an attack become an occupation of any Iranian soil.  These weapons include a range of anti-armor weapons proven against Israel in the 2006 War in Lebanon that are capable of destroying American armor vehicles to include the vaunted MRAP trucks deployed to protect against roadside bombs and even main battle tanks.  Specifically, these include modified rocket propelled grenades (RPGs) and anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) using tandem warheads and bombs designed to produce an explosively formed penetrators (EFPs), which cuts through armor like a hot knife through butter.

Iran also has the ability to massively increase its support to insurgent groups around the world to attack American interests.  There is little the U.S. could do to stop this short of an occupation so the costs of this Iranian retaliation option must be calculated.  Insurgent groups in Afghanistan will probably be the first to benefit from this.  Iran’s 5th column, Hezbollah, is also prepared to cause havoc.  In the event of an attack, Hezbollah is likely to bombard Israel with an array of rockets and carrying out terrorist style attacks against Americans and American interests globally.  This would effectively open an entirely new front to the “War on Terror” with an organization that is much more capable and sophisticated than Al Qaeda, but to date, has only focused its attacks on Israel.  The notable exception to this was when the U.S. attempted to militarily occupy Lebanon and take sides in an ugly civil war.  The results of this American folly resulted in the Marine Barracks and the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon being bombed by Hezbollah linked militants and the U.S. forces retreating out of the country.

The above are just some of the known military capabilities Iran possesses, which it is likely to deploy in the event of an attack.  However, it has some other potentially devastating secret weapons.  One valid offensive capability Iran has demonstrated is the ability to launch a satellite into orbit.  Given this ability, Iran also has the ability to detonate a weapon in orbit in close enough proximity to critical U.S. satellites that it could effectively destroy them.  Depending on the extent of these anti-satellite operations, Iran could inflict serious damage on not just the U.S., but global tele-communications, positioning, and reconnaissance capabilities.  Iran also may have developed an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapon.  A strong EMP has the ability to destroy electronics by inducing a current that essentially burns out the micro chips and their miniature circuitry.  Such a weapon would be impervious to our missile defenses and most likely disable many of them if used.  Even worse, it would be capable of destroying much of the computerized oil pumping and distribution infrastructure in the region.  This would cause an immediate global economic collapse, fuel shortages, and massive unrest abroad and domestically. Much more remote, but still possible would be for Iran to deploy and detonate an EMP over North America.  If Iran was able to successfully accomplish this, life as we know it in America would cease and we would be thrown back into a literal dark age.  Disturbingly, this possibility is actually feasible and within Iranian capabilities and has been briefed to Congressional members, policy makers, and the military.

Discussion of Israel on this matter has been intentionally minimal since it is critical to divest U.S. interests from Israeli interests.  No matter how much propaganda is generated to the contrary, Israeli and American interests do not align in a mutually beneficial way.  Those that believe they have a biblical obligation to start wars and die for Israel are welcome to renounce American citizenship, move to Israel, and join the Israel Defense Forces, which are hurting for quality recruits from even their own people, but please, please, leave the rest of us out of it.  However, before embarking on a crusade for a group that doesn’t believe in Jesus as their savior, one should consider that the majority of Israeli Jews do not want a war with Iran and rightfully consider it bad for their country.  Coming back to the issue at hand, the U.S. can’t hope to ignore the situation either.  It is bad for the U.S to attack Iran, but even worse if Israel attacks Iran without coordinating with the U.S.  Hoping to avert a war by pawning it off to Israel will not work.  Israel will act and it will pull America into the war without an overt and radical policy shift to prevent both Iran and Israel from attacking each other.  The notion that any initial attack by Israel would be a clearly attributable air attack that would provide the United States with the “option” to become involved is just not realistic.  Any Israeli strategy that didn’t attempt to achieve U.S. entrance into the conflict as a primary goal is not consistent with Israeli doctrine, capabilities, or national strategy.  Short of a plan reliant on U.S. entry, Israel would be pressed to use nuclear weapons against Iran to achieve decisive effects, which in and of itself would be a global disaster.  For this reason alone, the U.S. should act quickly and decisively to prevent either Iran or Israel from entering into war.

It is important to note the political effects of an attack as well.  Whether or not Iran actually was seeking a nuclear weapon before any attack, and the releasable intelligence right now is clear that Iran is not, the case for a nuclear weapon after an attack as a defensive capability would be easily justified from an Iranian perspective.  This incidentally would achieve the opposite of desired U.S. goals.  Iran, like Iraq, would almost certainly close down its known nuclear operations to inspections making any further information regarding Iranian nuclear developments even more rare and unreliable.  Further, Iran would likely withdraw from international treaties on nuclear weapons.  To then attempt to force inspections and disclosure would, like in Iraq, involve further, sustained, and ultimately costly military operations over a massive area.  Politically, Iran has not missed the fact that U.S. policy toward adversarial nations with a nuclear weapon such as North Korea and Pakistan is decidedly less hostile than against nations without a weapon such as Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya.  Iran has also correctly identified that the American public’s appetite, military capability, and money for another decade long conflict of occupation and massive financial debt is simply not existent.  The U.S. military is in a period of fiscal debt crisis and budget cutbacks.  It is simply not capable of projecting the necessary force for any sustained period of time across what amounts to North and Central Africa, the entire Middle East, South West Asia, and the Pacific to include South Korea.  Whether or not the U.S. decides to call Iran’s bluff will not change the ground truth inside the U.S. military that cutbacks to personnel coupled with current heavy overseas demands and an unfinished reset of the forces leaves the U.S. dangerously overextended.  It also will not change the fact that a war could add another trillion dollars or more to the U.S. deficit, which is just not affordable.

Finally, an attack prior to clear cut evidence made available for public review that overwhelming proves Iran is developing a nuclear “weapon” with the “intent” and “ability” to “effectively” use it “offensively” against the “U.S.” would become a lightning rod for further domestic and international condemnation and resistance to any war.  The abuse of the public trust in the run-up to the Iraq War has not been repaired.  Through propaganda, hyped fear mongering, special interest lobbying, and false intelligence, claims of a continued Iraqi pursuit of weapons of mass destruction with the intent to pass them to terrorist organizations were used to justify a war against Iraq that would have never been justified on the grounds of regime change alone.  The cost in dead, wounded, and dollars was too steep and shouldered by too few to follow this course again.  The case being built against Iran has an all too familiar ring of a classic case of the boy that cried wolf.  Thus, the case for war must be absolute and never again should the American public believe the government when it tells the public that you have to “trust” us because the evidence is “classified.”  No, the U.S. government must present its full case to the public for analysis and debate before another war is begun.

Now, if anyone is still thinking that an attack on Iran is going to be easy, short, or bloodless, they are officially ignorant of the facts.  Further, if one thinks a war with Iran will achieve the desired objectives, they probably also own ocean front real estate in Arizona or are being heavily subsidized by AIPAC and like lobbies.  Only through a long term, sustained, and costly full scale war of attrition or a nuclear strike can the U.S. achieve the stated goals of regime change and destruction of Iranian nuclear capability development.  In conclusion, allowing America to be led blindly into a war with Iran will prove to be the capstone foreign policy disaster of American history and may well be the event historians point to as what led to the collapse of our Republic.