PM Maliki Accuses Qatar and Saudi Arabia of Waging War against Iraq

As we have reported for some time, the US support to Al Qaeda affiliated jihadist groups waging an insurgent war in Syria would cause the conflict to spread beyond Syria’s borders.  Specifically, we pointed out that the Qatari and Saudi backed insurgents would threaten the Shia dominated (Iranian leaning) government in Iraq.  This came to fruition after anti-government militants seized control of the city of Fallujah in December.  Since then Iraqi forces have been unable to get the city back from the rebel fighters.  Further proof of our predicted regionalization of the war came recently after Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki accused Saudi Arabia and Qatar of declaring war on Iraq and supporting global terrorism.  The Iraqi leader blamed the two countries for orchestrating the latest wave of bloody violence to hit Iraq this year, which continues unabated and at levels not seen since the height of the bloodshed during the US occupation.  Of course you will never hear this in a White House briefing or on the CNN and Fox propaganda networks.

Prime Minister Maliki placed the blame for the increasing terrorist violence in Iraq on Qatar and Saudi Arabia in an interview with France 24. He said both countries are supporting extreme sectarian groups within Iraq, with a view to destabilizing the country and are “attacking” Iraq through Syria.  “I accuse them of inciting and encouraging the terrorist movements.  I accuse them of supporting them politically and in the media, of supporting them with money and by buying weapons for them.  I accuse them of leading an open war against the Iraqi government,” said Maliki, adding that Saudi Arabia and Qatar not only supported terrorism in Iraq, but also sponsor terrorism worldwide.  Maliki made it clear that Saudi Arabia and Qatar are causing the violence when he said both countries are “buying weapons for the benefit of these terrorist organizations.”  Maliki also echoes our warnings over US policy supporting known terrorists in Syria when he warned the Gulf States that their support of global terrorism “will turn against them.”  Let’s consider for a minute that the leader of Iraq just squarely blamed Saudi Arabia and Qatar for terrorism worldwide.  If it is true, would it not mean the entire war on terrorism has been one of the largest and misguided scams?  How can it be that after a decade of fighting terrorism all around the globe that US intelligence and our leaders missed evidence that showed Saudi Arabia and Qatar were supporting terrorists?  After all, aren’t Saudi Arabia and Qatar solid allies and friends of the US?  The fact is Maliki is a politician suddenly caught in a rare candid moment of truth telling and the US has for decades turned  a blind eye to Saudi Arabia’s blatant and deliberate support to terrorism against Americans.

If only the US government was as honest as Maliki we might actually make some headway against Islamic extremism.  It should come as no surprise that one of the primary reasons we have been unsuccessful in the war on “terrorism” is because we have never attacked its real epicenter within Saudi Arabia.  In fact we have criminally turned a blind eye to the terrorist acts of the Saudi government, which have led to the deaths of thousands of Americans.  According to the leaked and still classified congressional report on 9/11, senior Saudi government officials were directly involved in the funding, planning, and execution of the 9/11 attacks; yet, our government has covered it up and kept it from the American people that deserve the truth.  Instead of attacking Saudi Arabia for carrying out an act of war against the US, the US falsely accused and attacked Iraq under false pretenses.  Instead of telling the truth to Americans, two presidents have now sent Americans to fight and die in foreign lands far removed from the real problem.  Unlike Maliki, the US government has consistently misled and lied to the American people to protect THE terrorist state of Saudi Arabia.  In the land of laws, this is called aiding and abetting terrorism and it is still a federal felony crime.  This is nothing short of treason.


By Guiles Hendrik

March 14, 2014

All rights reserved.

Truth Trickles Out: Afghanistan troop cuts will likely lead to Taliban surge, study warns (Surprise…exactly as we predicted)

taliban-afghanistanFebruary 28, 2014: Our track record continues its pristine record of accurately cutting through the lies and deception and correctly forecasting the impact of United States’ policy.   In one of the most recent reveals, it took a gold star panel of overpaid, retired bureaucrats and generals (forgive me if I am redundant) to “discover” that NATO’s optimistic predictions for Afghanistan’s future, contrived at its 2012 Chicago summit, were heavily flawed.  The study conducted by the “nonpartisan” think tank CNA concluded that stability in Afghanistan will require tens of thousands more troops costing billions more dollars than NATO envisioned at its 2012 summit.  The review, released last Thursday and conducted at the behest of the Pentagon’s policy directorate, found that the Taliban insurgency is likely to swell in the years following the upcoming US and NATO military withdrawal, which contradicts the expectations set at NATO’s May 2012 summit. The review also saw widespread deficiencies in NATO’s planning for Afghanistan manpower, logistics, air support and ministerial strength.

As we reported previously, it was readily apparent to anyone willing to take an unbiased look at the situation in Afghanistan that our counterinsurgency strategy “coined” (pun intended) by strategic snake oil salesmen like disgraced General David Petraeus, Australian “fiction author” David Kilcullen, and RAND Associate Director/Mental Incompetent Seth Jones was an abject failure.  In particular, sealing the border connecting Afghanistan to Pakistan, the single most critical element required to win in Afghanistan, was not even attempted and discounted by the brain trust listed above.  Further, the brain trust relied nearly exclusively on financial aid (bribes which ultimately funded the Taliban) and training of the Afghan police and military (soon to just be a well trained and equipped Taliban army), which has again proven to have no historical precedent for success in warfare.  The damning Government Accountability Office (GAO) study ( sums up this situation succinctly stating: “The Afghan government and international community have set an objective of having the Afghan army and police lead and conduct security operations in all Afghan provinces by the end of 2014. As of September 2010, no ANA unit was assessed as capable of conducting its mission independent of coalition assistance.”  After a decade and almost a trillion dollars of direct and indirect spending the US had effectively trained a whopping 0% of the Afghan Army to operate on its own!  Anyone that thought just a few hundred billion more dollars and a couple more years would change this was stupid or lying…perhaps both.  I am honestly sick of listening to these idiots create policy after policy on how to “win” in Afghanistan when none of them have a lick of sense, have been in an actual firefight firsthand, or can show that a single policy they recommended led to a decisive US victory.  Of course many excuses were put forth, but the reality was something much deeper as those with functional brains recognized.  The fact was that victory was impossible without the will to actually fight a war to decisive ends, which required the US to have a coherent strategy, competent leadership, the ability to unilaterally run the Afghan government, and the “US” military (not the Afghan enemy) to prosecute a war of attrition across the border into Pakistan and wipe out millions of Pashtuns.  None of these necessary conditions were in place, which created an insurmountable situation in Afghanistan in respect to achieving a decisive victory.

Not so ironically, the review comes as the US policy makers realize they must retreat out of Afghanistan in defeat and will need an alibi to cloak their failure.  Dusting off the Iraq playbook, it should come as no surprise the US, after “exhausting all options with an intractable President Karzai,” will have to pull its troops out of Afghanistan because he won’t sign a status of forces agreement (SOFA).  The spin will be used to justify Bush and now Obama’s military defeats, but don’t expect anyone to question Jay Carney about why after invading, occupying, killing over a hundred thousand people, and placing our puppet in charge that we somehow are now unable to stay because of minor bureaucratic red tape.  The weakness of the public mind knows no bottom.

The CNA review panel at least is correct in recognizing the persistent Taliban insurgency will mount an increased threat to the Afghan government for years after the envisaged NATO withdrawal. The CNA team’s prediction of an increased Taliban threat to Afghanistan through 2018, supported by a recent US intelligence assessment, “stands in direct contradiction to the assumption of a reduced insurgent threat made at the Chicago Summit,” the report states. This is about as much credit as I can give the CNA team.  Beyond this, their analysis becomes pure garbage and it is nauseating to think how many tax dollars were spent on this trash.

The problem with the study is the CNA panel falls short on accurately getting the present facts right and thus, utterly blows their long term forecasted endstate, which predicts a stalemate.  “We conclude that this force is not likely to defeat the Taliban militarily, but that if it can hold against the Taliban insurgency through 2018, the likelihood of a negotiated settlement to the war will increase,” the CNA review found.  The reality is that every province that has been turned over to the Afghan military has effectively been turned over to Taliban control.  The Taliban have outlasted the US, NATO, and the Afghan military for over a decade.  The Taliban will make short work of the Afghan military one on one.  To think they will be looking for a “negotiated settlement” is utter insanity.  The Taliban will defeat and absorb the Afghan army rapidly.  As the last US forces pull out of Afghanistan the Taliban will mount a full scale assault on Kabul to retake the country.  This will leave the situation on the ground almost the same as the US found it in 2001 with the difference being the Taliban are far more numerous, better trained, better armed, better organized, and with an earned hatred of the US.  In a laughable twist to counter this, the CNA team advises (remember, the team is made of “senior” policy makers and generals) the Pentagon to keep international military advisers in the Afghanistan ministries of defense and interior through “at least” 2018 to mitigate long-term problems, including corruption and incompetence.  After reading this, I was left with zero doubt why the Taliban have outlasted the US military.  Our leaders are idiots.  It is a joke to propose that a few advisors will save the day.  Equally blind is the notion that corruption and incompetence, not a viable enemy at the gates will be the big problem for the encircled Karzai regime.  Even with a large number of troops and advisors in country right now, the US has failed to accomplish defeating the military or rooting out corruption.  After thousands of Americans have been killed in this useless war, there still is not even the slightest spark of logic or integrity within the senior echelon and the apathetic public remains in a mute, trance like state when it comes to calling out President Obama and his mob of derelict morons driving the US off a policy cliff.

To conclude, make no mistake of these facts and further predictions.  One, the US suffered a strategic defeat in Afghanistan.  Two, the US will use the failure, albeit an intentional failure, to sign a SOFA agreement as a means to save face as it retreats.  Three, the Taliban will retake the country and will be more powerful than they ever could have been if the US did not invade back in 2001.  Four, the Karzai puppet regime will not last to 2018 and Karzai will most likely be killed or flee back to Europe where he hid billions of US aid in complicit Swiss and Dubai banks.  Fifth, in absence of a war in Afghanistan and a failing domestic economy, the US will start wars elsewhere to feed the coffers of the Congressional-Military-Industrial Complex and distract the unemployed masses back in the US.

By Guiles Hendrik

February 28, 2014

All rights reserved.

An Open Letter to the People of Ukraine

Protestors in Kiev Fire on Police

Protestors in Kiev Fire on Police

I generally have focused my writings on events in the Middle East, but would like to take a few minutes to visit the violence currently erupting in Kiev, Ukraine.  As you are aware, I am speaking as a westerner and cannot fully grasp the situation as a native Ukrainian.  However, I will speak to you today from what I know and that is again as a westerner looking in with firsthand experience of United States’ policy and actions abroad.  From this perspective, I would like to offer you advice and caution as you, the people of the Ukraine, forge a new political future.

It is no secret that the US plays dirty and seeks to manipulate foreign events for the purported benefit of the US.  The overt face of this action is the US Department of State, but hiding close by in the shadows is the long arm of US intelligence and particularly the CIA, which has the primary mission of conducting covert action throughout the world.  So far the State Department has done little beyond making hollow condemnations, general hand wringing at fancy dinners, and of course, Victoria Nuland’s now infamous, idiotic, “fuck the EU” statement.  As such, I choose to focus on the latter and decidedly more potent of the two because the events in Kiev have the classic signs of CIA covert action, which include fomenting revolution and violence.

The CIA’s history of covert action in foreign policy has become one disaster after another.  As an American I am not proud of this fact, but have had little ability to stop it other than through informing and educating.  Well intentioned, but compartmentalized case officers (COs) more commonly, but incorrectly called agents or spies, have traveled the world carrying out the orders of Washington for what they believed was the good guys, but finished their careers disillusioned by what they had seen, took part in, and affected if they had any sense of decency and morality left in their bodies.  The reality is the CIA carries out operations that support global corporations and bankers and not the American people.  The well-funded policy makers that order these covert missions could care less about the people of the nation in question or even the citizens of the US.  The CIA actions, whether the COs recognize it or not, exclusively serve the interests of the elite and do so ever so conveniently hidden behind the aegis of “top secret” or “national security.”  Over the years, this secret operation beyond the reach of sunlight has spawned great evil and fueled excessive power.  As such, in practice the brave men and women that form the ranks of the Clandestine Service to include their Science and Technology and Ground Branch brethren become the unwitting henchmen of the banker elite, military industrial complex, and global corporations.  Doubt me?  I challenge you to unbiasedly think for a few minutes about the history of America’s covert wars fought since the creation of the CIA.  When have they actually left a country in better shape than they first found it?  Consider how we “helped” these countries by saddling them with unpayable “development” loans, imposing brutal dictators, or by arming and training factions to kill hundreds of thousands or more of their people so they could enjoy “real freedom.”  Let’s look at our covert operations history in Africa first.  Did things go well in Libya?  Nope, and they are getting worse.  Angola…nope.  Sudan…getting worse too.  Somalia…can you say “persona non grata.”  Nigeria…ecological disaster zone.  Egypt…who again is in charge?  Well maybe the CIA had better luck in Central or South America.  Nicaragua…nope.  El Salvador…please say hi to your local MS13 gang member, I mean former CIA trained killer team member.  Colombia…isn’t three decades long enough to defeat the FARC?  Venezuela…socialist and getting worse.  What about Argentina…what’s the value of their currency again?  Well, at least we won the drug war!  Okay, so the Western Hemisphere is a wash.  How about Asia?  Vietnam…disaster.  Cambodia…Pol Pot just isn’t any fun.  Laos…bombed and left.  Well how did we do against Mao in China…umm, major fail there too.  At least Taiwan is fully in the western sphere right?  Right?  What about the Tibetan rebels and their civil war?  Sold out and left for dead.  Well we sent billions of dollars to Pakistan so they like us, yes?  Well the Taliban certainly do appreciate the donations, but I think we have to chalk Pakistan up as a loss too guys.  Oh, but we rebuilt Afghanistan and gave them Petraeus’ much touted “government in a box” so they must be doing well.  Yeah…no, but at least the Taliban are really well trained on our weapon systems and all have new uniforms.  We give Kabul a two year half-life max.  Okay…so we have done great work at least in the Middle East.  Surely there are success stories like Syria and Yemen…oh wait, never mind.  Well Saudi Arabia has been a great ally if one overlooks how it brutally oppresses its people and so what if Saudi Arabia’s intelligence service funded 9/11.  It’s not like that had any impact on the US.  Don’t forget we liberated Iraq and brought democracy to the, umm… three separate states of Kurdistan, Iraq, and Al Qaeda in the Levant and Iraq!  Well, at least the Iranians certainly appreciated us helping them take over Iraq, but I am not sure how a million dead Iraqis benefited.  Oh and speaking of Iran, how would the Ayatollah ever took power if it wasn’t for the CIA funding a puppet dictator and funneling its oil wealth to the US and British oil companies.  Khomeini at least must appreciate our covert action!  As this dismal, “not” all inclusive list tries to illustrate, it is never a good thing when the CIA comes to your country and offers the “help” of the United States.

Back now to the Ukraine and what the future holds for the stability of that nation.  Neither Putin nor Obama have your interests at heart.  They only seek to subjugate you financially and control your government for their benefit.  The US has tried for a half century to pick winners and influence governments, but in the end we get neither and only cause greater despair and destruction.  In nearly every example, the CIA has left the countries we intervened in worse than we found them.  Never have we shown the nerve and will to finish what we started.  From Vietnam to Iraq and Afghanistan, our interventions cost countless lives, trillions of dollars, and destroyed the nations we purportedly were there to help.  When the going got rough, we bailed out and left the people that supported us for dead.  Only a handful of elite banking financiers and military industrialists can say they benefited and this was in the form of handsome profits made off of the deaths of thousands.  Does the Ukraine actually think it will be any different if it allows agitators run by the CIA to take over the protests?

Specific to the too Obama and Putin, it has become ironic in how far the “west” has gone left turning from capitalism to socialism and Marxism while the “east” has become much more free and capitalistic.  You would think that people would have finally recognized once and for all the folly of communism after the collapse of the Soviet Union.  That said, you would also think that people would have recognized that Keynesian economics of monopoly money and unimaginable debt and deficit spending are equally disastrous, but that too has not come to fruition.   So who is the greater evil?  Russia is at least recovering from its economic collapse and seems to have learned at least a few lessons, whereas the US and EU are about to enter their worst economic collapse ever.  Certainly Obama has more money and military hardware at his disposal right now, but he lacks good judgment, intelligence, and guile and can’t provide the Ukraine with a drop of oil or cubic meter of gas.  Putin has intelligence, guile, and sound judgment in spades, lots of oil and gas, but has limited capital.  Obama has shown he will cut and run on an ally in a political second, but Putin has staunchly stuck by his allies.  Putin has also demonstrated again and again that he is a master of the geopolitical chessboard by dealing foreign policy defeat after defeat to the US and Obama’s clown posse of policy makers.  However, this has worked against the Ukraine more than once as Putin has shown he has no problem shutting off the gas supplies to the Ukraine if it doesn’t tow Moscow’s party line.  Understanding at least some of the genocide and oppression conducted by the Soviets against the Ukrainians, I will not pass judgment on who may or may not serve Ukrainian interests best, but only say that both sides present at least as many negatives as positives.

Respective of the ongoing violence in Kiev, which is now spreading to other cities in the Ukraine, I find the White House to be extremely hypocritical in all respects of its response.  First of all, President Obama is well aware that the covert action the CIA is conducting in the Ukraine is at least equally at fault for fomenting and causing the violence he condemns.  Quite revealing of this fact is how Victoria Nuland referred to the EU’s efforts to quell the violence with her “fuck the EU” statement.  In the law enforcement community, we call this a clue!  This parallels the hypocrisy of President Obama’s policy of arming, training, and supporting known Al Qaeda terrorists in Syria while simultaneously condemning defensive military operations by President Assad’s government to stop the violence.  White House spokesman Jay Carney parrots this hypocrisy when he stated “force will not resolve this” in respect to the protests in Kiev.  Really Jay?  Did you not look the other way when the Bahraini government violently smashed protests?  Perhaps you have forgotten how the US looks the other way as China crushes dissent or Pakistan condones the murders of innocent girls and Christians.  Does President Obama not conduct unauthorized wars throughout the world and kill anti-American dissidents and their children with hellfire missiles fired from drones at will?  Even domestically, how about what happened in Waco?  What about the Fast and Furious operation?  Did we not ship hundreds of assault weapons to drug cartels that have been used to kill many innocent Mexican and American citizens?  Oh and Jay, how exactly would the US government respond to conservative protestors demanding a lawless president step down after he shredded the Constitution and began to rule by executive order.  Don’t forget these peaceful protestors also stubbornly fortified and occupied the National Mall and have shot and killed at least a dozen cops?  I would have to say the Ukrainian government has exercised immense discretion in comparison to the heavy handed and bloody police state reaction that unfortunately would be the likely police/military response by the Obama Administration.  Obama and his cronies wouldn’t even rule out domestic drone strikes and martial law to thwart such freedom driven protests against his illegal and egregious government actions.  You can also be sure a host of Orwellian devices and methods would be used to quell the “revolt.”  Phones would be shut off, the internet locked down, microwave and sound emitting crowd control devices would be used to punish protestors with excruciating pain, dissidents (citizens) would be identified, captured, and disappeared to interrogation rooms on military bases without due process per the unconstitutional provisions within the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).   The military would be out on the streets with helicopters buzzing overhead and snipers on rooftops shooting unarmed protestors as tanks pushed back the helpless mob.  All while Obama’s state run media continuously streamed coverage about how these protestors were the vilest of creatures that deserved to be rounded up as terrorists justifying the whole endeavor.  President Obama, if you faced the same level of revolt you would not think twice about using all force, legitimate or not, to smash the resistance with bloody efficiency.  He is the most egregious of hypocrites with blood stained hands.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am here to tell you that as a westerner you don’t want our help and don’t need Moscow’s help.  You can little afford to take on the problems of any one of these nations let alone both combined.  You can be a free and independent people and nation if you choose, but that is only through rebuffing and throwing out the rabble rousers sent from Moscow and Washington.  Don’t let old world powers usurp what should be the purest of all birthrights.  Don’t let the EU sucker you into bankruptcy and bankrolling their debt.  Turn away their loans and slimy bankers.  Don’t let Moscow turn you into another puppet.  Don’t let Washington use you to undermine Putin.  Be your own strong, proud, and free nation.  Choose your own destiny and zealously stamp out any and all foreign influences that threaten this prize.  You have the chance to retake your nation, but are walking dangerously close to cliff.  One wrong step will plunge you into a pit of hell and chaos that will take a generation or more to climb out of.  Tonight I am saying good luck and god bless to the people of the Ukraine.


By Guiles Hendrik

February 19, 2014

All rights reserved.

The Other Shoe Drops: Syrian Kurds Declare Independence

Erbil, Kurdistan (Northern Iraq)

Erbil, Kurdistan (Northern Iraq)

As my readers know, I have given ample warnings on how the Syrian Civil War would spiral out of control and potentially envelop the Middle East in a regional war.  A key piece holding the patchwork of post-Colonial, Mesopotamian nations together has been the acquiescence of the Kurdish populations living primarily in Northern Iraq, Syria, and Turkey remaining an ethnic minority in their respective adoptive nations.  The status quo changed last Tuesday when Syrian Kurds effectively declared their independence.  With Syrian Kurds declaring independence, a chain reaction has been initiated, which will most likely redraw the map of the Middle East and finalize the partitioning of Iraq into three independent nations.

This is not all bad news.  As I have written, the Kurds may be our best ally in the region.  Kurdistan (Northern Iraq) is the most stable and developed portion of Iraq with modern malls and high rise buildings one may be more accustomed to finding in Europe than the Middle East.  Further, they have access to the large oil fields around Kirkuk, have a functioning economy, growing trade, exercise religious tolerance and actively protect the Chaldean Christian minorities, and have been very willing to work with the US.  In fact, Kurdistan does not even require US citizens to have a visa to fly into their capital city of Erbil unlike Baghdad.  However, Kurdish autonomy won’t come without fueling the conflict already engulfing the Middle East.  For starters, the Iraqi government may allow Kurdistan to break away, but will fight to maintain control of the Kirkuk Oil Field.  This will not likely deter the Kurds because they have been presented with a rare historic opportunity created by the chaos in Syria.  Specifically, Al Qaeda (AQ) rebels fighting in Syria have seized most of Western Iraq and its major cities of Ramadi and Fallujah.  This has forced Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to deploy Iraq’s military in the west where it has been, at least for now, defeated or bogged down by AQ forces.  This leaves al-Maliki few military options respective of dealing with the well-armed and effective Kurdish military and Peshmerga should the Iraqi Kurds declare independence as well.  Rather than split his military, al-Maliki will be forced to concentrate his forces just to protect Baghdad and will be forced to reluctantly allow Kurdistan to break away with much of the contested oil fields around Kirkuk.  It is important to also note that having the Kurds as an ally could prove decisive if the US is truly interested in toppling Assad.  The Kurds would make far better allies than AQ avowed rebels, which by the way are also enemies of the Kurds, and would require far less support.  The indigenous Kurdish forces would also be some of the most politically moderate in the American sense and pose far less a risk of blowback in the form of global terrorism or atrocities should they succeed and maintain a degree of autonomy and power in Syria.

In the likely event that Iraqi and Syrian Kurds unite to form a greater Kurdistan, Turkey will be placed in a difficult position.  Ethnic Kurds make up approximately 20% of Turkey’s population and no doubt will be interested in reuniting with their kinsmen.  Whether or not the ethnic pull is enough to actually cause Kurds in Turkey to want to break away is of question, but the fact it is a mere possibility is enough to give the Turkish Government nightmares.  Further, even if Kurdish Turks reject autonomy they will leverage the stronger and more unified Kurdish neighbors to their south to support more overt and aggressive demands for political concessions long denied by the Turkish government.  This alone will be enough to spawn more PKK terrorist operations and harsh government reprisals by Turkey.  As a member of NATO, this puts the US in a tough place because it has legitimate interests in both countries. The US is obligated to defend Turkey, but the Kurds have been one of our best allies in the region respective of Syria and Iraq.  Failure to develop policies to guide and mitigate this likely event will catch the US State Department flatfooted again and no doubt lead to poor policy action.

As the Middle East continues to descend into widespread regional violence, the US will not be able or possibly willing to deescalate the situation.  Nonetheless, the US will need to pick sides.  For starters, any alliance with AQ avowed rebels should be a non-starter even though current policy in the White House has hypocritically done just this in its shortsighted attempts to undermine Iran.  With 100% certainty, this policy alone will lead to the loss of American lives.  Respective of Iraq, unless the US is willing to conduct a major geopolitical realignment and side with al-Maliki and, by extension, Iran at the expense of Saudi Arabia and its proxy war in Syria, this too will not be feasible in any substantive way.  That leaves the Kurds as a natural ally in the region.  They need us and we need them.  They occupy strategic terrain.  Further, unlike both Shia and Sunni Muslims, the Kurds have for the most part never attacked Americans and have genuinely protected Americans in Kurdistan.  This cannot be said for our Shia “allies” in Baghdad and certainly not of our Sunni “allies” loyal to or covertly sponsoring AQ.  However, the US will need to use its leverage with the Kurds to ensure Turkish security is not threatened and its long standing alliance with Turkey to make sure the Turks don’t launch a brutal crackdown that would enflame the Kurds.  In exchange for the Kurds leaving Turkey alone, the US could be free to recognize Kurdistan and place itself in a prime position to gain a foothold in the Middle East where Americans are truly welcomed and the atmosphere is western.  Failure to do this will leave the Kurds vulnerable to being massacred again and their land in control of people that are enemies of the US.  As such, it is incumbent on the US to take a proactive role toward Kurdish independence and be prepared to tactfully support and skillfully guide it when Kurdistan unites with the independent Kurds of Syria.

Considering the above, the US has the means to develop a positive policy for dealing with Kurdish independence where the US could considerably enhance its geopolitical standing in the region.  However, due to the effects of poor leadership, ignorance, and the pull of special interests, Washington, with near certainty, will take the worst possible policy toward the Kurds.  As such, unfortunately, I predict Washington will scuttle its policy toward the Kurds so bad that it effectively turns the Kurds into an unwilling enemy of the US and loses a golden opportunity to

build true allies in the Middle East.


By Guiles Hendrik

February 4, 2014, 2014

All Rights Reserved.

The Rise of the Islamic State of the Levant: As Iraq fractures so does the Middle East


Flag of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

Flag of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

Al Qaeda(AQ) is more powerful today than it was over a decade ago when then President George W. Bush declared his nebulous, ill-fated war on terrorism.  Ironically, one could strongly argue it was the war against AQ that made AQ more popular and resilient than it could have ever hoped to be autonomously operating in the shadows.  Nothing is more demonstrative of this than the situation today in Iraq.  AQ has become a conventional military force and effectively dissolved the border between Iraq and Syria merging it into the Islamic State of the Levant almost completely absent of media attention in the west.  In fact, in its first major test as a state like entity, the Iraqi Army conducted a full scale assault on the AQ held portions of Ramadi and Fallujah only to suffer a decisive defeat leaving AQ firmly in control of the traditional Sunni areas of Iraq.  The ramifications of this transformation of AQ from a stateless terrorist organization to a conventional army with a defined geographical territory right in the heart of the Middle East are extremely dire even if the Western Media has all but ignored the disaster borne of Bush and Obama’s failed foreign policies.

President Obama has cited again and again how AQ has been defeated and dismantled, yet AQ has repeatedly proven the president either ignorant or a liar as we predicted.  As a result of the US conducting its insane policy of intervening in the Syrian Civil War (not to mention creating the war) and then providing military grade weapons to AQ aligned rebels in Syria, AQ fighters now have a conventional military capability compliments of the US taxpayer whether directly supplied by the CIA or indirectly via Saudi Arabia and Qatar.  In fact, the heavily armed AQ rebels have crossed into Iraq for sanctuary and taken over large stretches of the western portions of Iraq.  As I warned, the insurgencies in Syria and Iraq could merge and create massive unrest in the Middle East.  This perfect storm has emerged.  With the firepower supplied by not just the US, but Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey, the AQ elements are not stopping in western Iraq and instead have pushed on toward Baghdad.  The Shia controlled Iraqi government has so far been unable to retake the areas already captured by AQ and has now been defeated in direct conventional combat operations in both Fallujah and Ramadi.  If the Iraqi military is unable to check the advance and growth of the AQ Army, it is indeed possible that portions of Baghdad will be captured by AQ.  This in effect will mean that Iraq has effectively splintered into three autonomous nations, one Sunni, one Kurd, and one Shia as I have predicted for years.  It will also herald the emergence of the AQ organization, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, into the actual Islamic State of the Levant.

Even if Baghdad is not taken by AQ the situation is already quite dire.  An all-out sectarian proxy war has begun between Iran and Saudi Arabia.  The battlefield to date has been confined to the Middle East, but it soon will spill over onto other continents with Africa already suffering the worst from growing Islamic extremism.  Each side has gained victories and neither is done fighting.  Iran has so far managed to maintain its ally Syria against the concerted efforts of the US, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, and even Turkey.  Iran maintains strong influence over the Iraqi government, which remains predominantly Shia.  Iran has also diplomatically outmaneuvered the US, which based on the accomplishments of Secretaries Clinton and Kerry should not come as any surprise, and forced a deal over its nuclear program to include reducing sanctions.  However, Hezbollah leaders have been assassinated in Lebanon and AQ backed Sunnis have taken over western Iraq.

This sets the stage in Iraq for a winner takes all fight that will become very bloody.  Iran has strategic interests in maintaining its newly minted proxy government in Iraq, compliments of the shortsighted US policy that toppled the Sunni-Baathist regime of Saddam Hussein.  In particular, the Iraqi government allows Iran to move weapons and troops through its territory to support President Assad’s forces in Syria and is colluding with Iran on oil production to undercut Saudi oil revenues.  However, Iraq’s government is vulnerable so Iran will support the Iraqi military with Iranian units against AQ.  Iran is well aware that by defeating these AQ elements in Iraq, it will severely weaken the rebel forces fighting its traditional ally Syria.  Saudi Arabia knows that an Iranian win in Syria or Iraq will most likely mean a strategic win across the board for Iran.  Saudi Arabia will view a nuclear Iran with control of both Iraq and Syria as an existential strategic threat that it won’t be able to ignore.  As such, Saudi Arabia has to escalate the proxy war it in part created by doubling down and backing the AQ aligned Sunnis in an attempt to weaken Iran.  This will lead to greater, prolonged bloodshed throughout the Middle East, a disintegration of borders, and further destabilization of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Yemen.

Dangerously, almost any conceivable conclusion to the Iran-Saudi proxy war now seems to point to greater war in the Middle East that will be difficult to deescalate.  A stalemate or major breakthrough in favor of Iran may force the countries into direct conflict.  Saudi Arabia may also lobby for and overtly support a devastating Israeli strike against Iran, which will have global repercussions.  It will also signal Saudi Arabia to move forward with purchasing its own nuclear weapons from Pakistan setting off the dreaded cycle of proliferation across the region.  However, if Iran is defeated, the results could be far worse.  An Iranian defeat means and an AQ victory.  In the event of victory, AQ will solidify what amounts to the Islamic State of the Levant.  This newly emerged state will turn on the corrupt regimes that spawned it and attack Jordan, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia potentially toppling those regimes.  Further, AQ would solidify their control of the region and make it effectively off limits for any US interests short of another war.  The new Islamic State of the Levant would be a breeding ground for attacks against the US and a safe haven for terrorists that have emerged into a legitimate army.  Saudi Arabia, in particular, will be very vulnerable to the AQ fighters and could be destabilized to the point oil production is severely disrupted.  Israel will come under even greater pressure as the Palestinians receive increased support from AQ leadership.  These are just a few of the first order regional effects without even touching the greater global implications and how it would affect major powers like the US, Russia, and China.

The US will regret that it armed, trained, and equipped AQ elements in Syria for short sighted policies designed to undermine Iran.  The ramifications of the chain reaction Washington’s policy set in motion will be dire and far reaching.  Already, the world must begin to recognize it created a defacto AQ state in the Levant even if the western media has not grasped this new reality.  Nonetheless, one cannot predict with certainty how this will end, but one can be certain that much greater blood will be shed before this new regional war concludes.


By Guiles Hendrik

January 29, 2014

All rights reserved. 

As We Predicted: Syrian and Iraqi Civil Wars Merge as President Obama’s Claims of a Defeated Al Qaeda Crumble

Al Qaeda Takes Over Anbar Province. Photo:

Al Qaeda Takes Over Anbar Province.

Disturbing news continues to pour out of Iraq as it appears Al Qaeda forces in Iraq have transformed from an insurgent force to conventional military force.  This is considered the last stage of a guerilla war by Mao Tse-Tung’s guide to guerilla warfare.  The successful takeover of the cities of Fallujah and Ramadi by Al Qaeda forces prove they have continued to organize and gain strength contrary to the lies emanating from President Obama respective of Al Qaeda being nearly destroyed.  None of this should come as a surprise.  For years I have been tracking this trend and warning that the Islamic radicals fighting in Syria would soon destabilize Iraq and merge the wars.  Reference:

If not already bad enough, the Sunni extremists have gained much of this power by way of Washington’s covert aid.  Using arms and money from Saudi Arabia and Qatar funneled through Jordan and Turkey the CIA has covertly provided a host of supplies, equipment, and weapons to the rebels.  Further, CIA officers on the ground are advising Al Qaeda affiliated rebel factions and providing them with command and control support.  With this added lifeline the rebels have regrouped across the non-existent border in Iraq and gained a foothold by seizing the major cities of Anbar Province as well as numerous border towns in Northern Iraq.  This sets the stage for a pan-Sunni front rising against Iranian backed Shia forces for a large scale outbreak of warfare in the Middle East.

Make no mistake, by no means is this Iraqi Al Qaeda uprising an organically generated situation.  It is merely a symptom of much bigger strategic issues at play in the Middle East.  These divisions are deep, complex, and overlapping.  Some of these divisions are political, some are economic, some are religious, some are ethnic, but all are divisive.  Sunni versus Shia; Saudi Arabia and Qatar versus Syria; Kurd versus Iraqi; Turkey versus Kurdistan versus Syria; Iran versus Israel versus the United States versus Saudi Arabia; the United States versus Russia; and so on.  The Middle East has become a chessboard of pawns being manipulated by strategic players from around the world in a very dangerous high stakes game.

The result of this will be, as I have previously predicted, ever increasing violence and bloodshed across the Middle East.  Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki will most likely be forced to open up greater political and military cooperation with Iran to put down the Sunni uprising in the western portion of the country.  This will allow the Kurds to further cement their autonomous nation to the north and possibly absorb Kurdish portions of Syria.  This would ethnically redraw the map of the Middle East much to the fear of Turkey, which under those circumstances, might militarily intervene to prevent such a Kurdish unification.  Contrary to Washington’s plans to weaken Iran by toppling Assad, the rise of Obama’s Sunni proxies will cause the plan to backfire.  Maliki’s requests for support will actually lead to increased Iranian influence and potentially new and more direct military supply lines through Iraq to Iran’s besieged ally Bashar Assad in Syria.  This will force Saudi Arabia to become even more overt in its support to Sunni extremists, which will fuel even greater global terrorism and bloodshed in Syria.  Saudi Arabia will begin importing greater numbers of foreign jihadists for the fight and likely buy its own readymade nuclear arsenal from Pakistan, which will greatly increase world instability and increase the chances of a larger regional war.  Nonetheless, Assad’s government forces will most likely continue to maintain the upper hand for at least the next six months dealing Washington a decisive strategic setback that will weaken Washington’s alliances with Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, and Turkey.  This will also weaken Washington’s negotiating position with Iran on its nuclear program forcing Obama to pursue appeasement.  A peace deal with Iran is not in and of itself disastrous and likely good, but Israel will see this as the last straw and likely initiate unilateral strikes against Iran designed to set back its nuclear progress while forcing the US into an unwanted and unnecessary war.  This will be an unparalleled disaster for the US.  See:

As for the biggest players, the US and Russia, Russia will continue its unbeaten streak of foreign policy victories against the amateurish American lineup.  Obama and John Kerry are simply outclassed by Putin and Sergei Lavrov.  Specifically, Russia and its grand chess master Putin will continue to play all sides against each other for its maximum political and economic profit.  Russia will continue to pick off long time US allies such as Egypt as Obama continues to alienate everyone.  Russia will also handsomely profit and leverage any outbreak of war to further corner the oil and gas market while enjoying a spike in prices before global economies crash taking the price of oil to lows not seen in years.  For Russia, losing Syria is not optional as long as the threat of a Qatari-Saudi gas pipeline through Syria to Europe exists.  Russia would lose immense geopolitical leverage over Europe and billions in revenue in the event Assad was deposed without hard guarantees Washington is not likely able to deliver.  In the event Obama doubles down and provides enough military support to bring about Syrian regime change, expect the Russians to triple down and bait the US into another disastrous war in the Middle East designed to economically break the back of the US and force us out of the Middle East.

All considered, 2014 is shaping up to be a violent and climatic year across the Muslim Crescent.  The civil war in Syria will likely reach a tipping point and Iran’s nuclear program will have to be accepted or destroyed.  Iraq will descend into full scale civil war.  Jordan will be weakened by growing unrest and Lebanon could once again be split by sectarian violence.  As for Americans, expect an increase in Islamic terrorism against US targets.  This is a near certainty since vast numbers of radical Islamists have been recently armed, trained, equipped, and organized to fight in Syria by our very own CIA.  This latest generation of jihadists will be armed with much more advanced weaponry compliments of the US taxpayer and will ultimately go on to attack the US after they have had their fill of fighting in Syria.  Specifically, expect to see the use of improvised nerve gas manufactured by Syrian rebels, man portable surface to air missiles smuggled out of Libya, and antitank missiles provided by Saudi Arabia against US targets.  These are just some of the highlights to expect in 2014 so make sure you buckle your seatbelts.

For further reading:


By Guiles Hendrik

January 6, 2014

All rights reserved.

The Next Manufactured War: China and the Pacific Theater Take Center Stage


US War in the Pacific  Source: U.S. Navy photo illustration/Released

US War in the Pacific
Source: U.S. Navy photo illustration/Released

As we have exhaustively written and warned in previous articles, a new war will need to be manufactured to continue to justify the continued redistribution of billions of taxpayer dollars to the military-industrial complex financed by the big banks.  The titans of the defense industry and the loan sharks of the banking world cannot afford peace and will stop at nothing to create fear and war to ensure their wealth is secure.  The United States economy has not made a true comeback as has been touted by the media and falsified government reports and soon the bubble the Federal Reserve created will have to be deflated.  To keep the public distracted and the money flowing, a new plan to create fear, instability, and possibly war in the Pacific has now begun. 

It is becoming increasingly clear that no matter what deal is or is not struck in Afghanistan respective of continued troop deployments, NATO and the US forces are going to be forced to retreat within the next 12 to 18 months.  The Taliban’s (Pakistan’s) strategic victory is all but assured now, which will make future occupation by U.S. personnel impossible.  Further, the movement toward war with Iran by way of Syria has been temporarily checked by Russia until Israel can build enough clandestine support behind the scenes to sabotage any future peace deal or unilaterally attack Iran.  As such, the military-industrial complex has turned back to its fear mongering and war propaganda to begin conditioning the public that North Korea and China are again dire threats that must be stopped at all costs and that war could break out at any moment.  Of course this hyperbole is used to justify the “need” for new advanced weapons, continued funding of obsolete, redundant, or unnecessary defense systems, and to generally control the masses.  As a nation we have witnessed this ploy over and over resulting in unnecessary wars from Vietnam to Iraq that have cost millions of lives and trillions of dollars worldwide.  The wanton destruction wrought by these industry power plays can’t be understated.  For example, as we reported in the spring of 2013, North Korea was rebranded as a strategic missile threat overnight and then only weeks later forgotten after the defense-aerospace industry scared Congress and the public into refunding their missile defense programs that have been wasting billions of tax dollars and were rightfully on the sequester chopping block.  The fact that the bankers and defense propagandists nearly started World War III didn’t matter a bit because no matter whether or not war broke out, it was you and I that would have to bleed, pay, and die for their fortunes.  This process of fear mongering and dangerous brinkmanship is a trademark defense industry ploy used to make sure you continue to write them checks for billions of dollars without question.  Without question, it is one of the most diabolical, destructive, despicable, and immoral of all lies repeatedly pushed on the citizens of nations. 

Fortunately, the American people have to some degree grown war weary and have been sensitized to the lies of war propaganda.  This is good and bad.  It is good in that the simplest of lies will no longer suffice to convince the American people to once again go to war and bleed and pay for the elites to become wealthier.  However, the elites recognize this and will conduct even more aggressive and despicable acts to create the conditions for war.  For illustration, just this year in Syria, a false flag chemical weapons attack was launched against innocent civilians in an attempt to frame the Syrian regime and justify the US becoming involved in yet another war in the Middle East.  It is important to note that this attack using weapons of mass destruction was resorted to after numerous lesser attempts to “convict” the Syrian regime in the minds of the public and precipitate a war had failed.  This included launching mortar rounds into Israel and Turkey, launching air attacks into Syria directly from Israel, directly providing training and weapons to known terrorists operating in Syria, repeatedly violating Syrian airspace so that they would shoot down a NATO jet, and persistently trying to brand the radical Islamic jihadists of the revolutionary forces as a peaceful, unified, pro-US, Free Syrian Army.  All of these acts were designed to either directly or indirectly illicit a defensive response from Syria, which Washington could then spin into an act of “aggression” to justify retaliation and war.  The Syrian example is just one of many illustrating to what deranged extremes our hijacked government will go to to force the US into another unnecessary war and is a cautionary tale of things to come.

Relative to the recent wars in the Middle East, a war in the Pacific promises to be far more devastating and has the real possibility of involving nuclear weapons and electromagnetic pulses designed to wipe out all unshielded electronics.  However, “devastating” translates to windfall profits for the defense industry their financiers on a scale not seen since World War II.  A war or even the threat of war with China would mandate trillions of new defense spending financed through loans to the US government (ironically, this new debt would probably be bought by China).  New high tech weapon systems would have to be fast tracked into service and even more draconian surveillance and cyber warfare systems would also be justified to “protect” the homeland.  The Defense Department would once again get a blank check unlike any before from Congress to pursue an entirely new portfolio of overpriced defense programs, many of which, would target the American people as much as foreign entities as the current “War on Terror” has demonstrated. 

The march toward war in the Pacific will be far more costly and devastating than even the worst case scenarios for the Middle East if allowed to move forward.  Not only will the US suffer a total economic collapse, but unprecedented death and destruction if the game of brinkmanship is overplayed and China and or North Korea call our bluff.  China is not an ally of the US, but is also not any more of a threat than we decide to create.  If you want to check China, it will be best done through effective economic competition and by strengthening our freedoms and liberties at home.  Runaway defense spending will only weaken the US.  Stop giving China preferential trade status, stop creating massive debt at home, stop educating China’s military scientists, stop allowing China to steal our most sensitive secrets, stop providing China and North Korea aid, and hold the line on our sphere of influence.  At home we have to cut taxes on citizens as well as reduce the overwhelming bureaucratic weight of endless regulations and taxes on businesses.  We need to protect our workers, our products, our technology, and our industry by not undermining them with imbalanced trade deals favoring offshoring and overseas manufacturing.  We also need to secure our borders, dismantle the surveillance state, cut the size of government, wean the population from state dependencies, and become as individuals and a nation much more self-sufficient.  Cutting the Defense Budget will go a long way to neutralizing the financial influence the military-industrial complex has over US policy and would strengthen, not weaken the security of the US.  All of these actions will go far toward reigning in massive and unnecessary spending and debt.  The media must also be returned to its watchdog status of the government and be purged of its recently assumed role as the public relations arm of the political parties.  No American interest is served by a biased media.  Failure to provide honest, unbiased, and factual news to the American people will lead to further deceit, loss of liberties, degradation of our quality of life, and potentially devastating wars. 

Once again we are here warning the public of what is transpiring behind the scenes and are the first to bring it to you.  The best way to battle this latest escalation toward war is to become informed, know the facts, and make sure others are educated as well.  Neither the media nor the government can lie to you if you independently have sought out and found the truth.  Take this truth to the internet, the airwaves, the cable news programs, your local clubs…anywhere you can find an audience.  By exposing the lies and replacing them with knowledge and facts you can collectively disrupt and stop the plans of the defense and banking industries and their puppets within the government.  Those of you who serve the government; especially in the military, have an obligation to the American people and the Constitution to also speak out, to refuse to become an active participant, and to stop these unconstitutional and thus illegal and immoral actions.  Only through action can we overcome these true threats to the US, the gravest of which, have originated internally. 

By Guiles Hendrik

December 10, 2013

All rights reserved. 

Damning Letter on State of Afghanistan War to Secretaries of Defense and State Leaked: Office of Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction confirms US will lose control of most of Afghanistan by 2014 and US has no oversight of nearly $100 million in Afghan infrastructure development projects.

October 10, 2013: Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), John F. Sopko, wrote to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel about serious concerns with the impact of the drawdown on security and the related implications for ensuring adequate oversight of the U.S.-funded reconstruction effort in Afghanistan.  In brief, SIGAR is projecting that even in a “best case” scenario the US will have access to barely 21 percent of Afghanistan in 2014.  This represents almost a 50 percent loss of access from current estimates.  Making matters worse, SIGAR estimated that nearly $72 million in infrastructure projects were now inaccessible.  This means that nearly $100 million is “currently” being spent on projects in Afghanistan with NO oversight.

Specifically, earlier this year SIGAR was unable to visit infrastructure projects in northern Afghanistan valued at $72 million because they are located in areas that could not be reached by U.S. civilian employees.   SIGAR is referring to these inaccessible reconstruction sites as areas outside of the “oversight bubbles.”  The areas covered by these “oversight bubbles” are defined by the ability of the U.S. government to provide both adequate security and rapid emergency medical support to civilian employees traveling to the area.  In effect, these “oversight bubbles” represent areas controlled by Taliban forces and are growing daily.  As such, this document gives a rare glimpse behind the current of just how badly the US/NATO forces are being routed in Afghanistan.  Further, one can only assume that in a country that is ranked third from last in the world for corruption (only North Korea and Somalia ranked worse that hard earned US tax dollars are being squandered.  Not only are the tax dollars being wasted, but they are being spent in areas controlled by the Taliban and being paid out often directly to our enemies, which takes reckless spending to the ridiculously absurd.  Only in the minds of politicians and inept generals could one ever think the US could win a war by funding its enemies and building up their infrastructure!

The situation on the ground in Afghanistan has gotten so bad, “significant portions of Afghanistan are already inaccessible to SIGAR, other inspectors general, the Government Accountability Office, and other U.S. civilians conducting oversight, such as contracting officers.”  SIGAR believes this constraint on oversight will only “worsen” as more U.S. and coalition bases close.  The map illustrates just how little access the US is projected to have next year in Afghanistan as the US military completes its retreat.

US Projects "Best Case" to only have access to 21% of Afghanistan in 2014

US Projects “Best Case” to only have access to 21% of Afghanistan in 2014

At this juncture it is worthwhile to quote an entire excerpt that illustrates exactly how bad the situation is even through the politicized lens of a high level letter written between senior agency leadership.  SIGAR writes in his letter:

“Although it is difficult to predict the future of the U.S. presence in Afghanistan, it is likely that no more than 21 percent of Afghanistan will be accessible to U.S. civilian oversight personnel by the end of the transition, a 47 percent decrease since 2009. We have also been told by State Department officials that this projection may be optimistic, especially if the security situation does not improve.  The 21 percent figure may be too high. The oversight access shown on the attached maps presents a best-case scenario where weather, terrain, and security conditions pose no serious threat to helicopter medical evacuation missions.”

The implications of Mr. Sopko’s letter are profound.  Even an unlikely “best case” scenario projects the US to maintain only a very small foothold in some of Afghanistan’s major cities.  However, the security situation is currently very bad and projected to get worse.  Just as our analysts have predicted, since the failure in Tora Bora when the US lost the initiative during the early stages of the war, the true extent of US failure in Afghanistan is finally being revealed.  In fact, we project a rapid decrease in access to around 10% as Helmand and Kandahar Provinces rapidly fall back under complete Taliban control.  By 2015 we are predicting a near total loss of access and a likely collapse of the regime in Kabul.

See the actual letter at:

By Guiles Hendrik

October 28, 2013

All rights reserved

The Forgotten War: Afghanistan 12 Years Later


US Retreat from Afganistan Complete in 2014; Source:

US Retreat from Afghanistan Complete in 2014; Source:


America’s war against Al Qaeda terrorists in Afghanistan began over 12 years ago this last week.  This grim milestone came and went with no media coverage even as some of America’s best men and women were killed there in combat this week.  Now, in the lead up to a complete US military withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2014, it is blatantly clear our pessimistic analytical forecast for Afghanistan has proved accurate.  Today we will recap the state of affairs of the War in Afghanistan and what to expect in the coming months.

The Obama Administration is quick to broadcast anything it can spin as good news.  The opposite is true of bad news so it is telling that it has maintained a near total media blackout on Afghanistan.  Making President Obama’s whitewash of the dire state of the war even feasible has been a complicit media and their absolute dereliction of a social responsibility to be the watchdog of the government.  This is the same biased media that broadcast images from the Iraq War around the clock during the Bush Administration, but now suddenly has nothing to report respective of the on-going Afghanistan War.  The truth the Obama Administration and his media henchmen are hiding is that the war has gone horribly wrong and the US is rapidly retreating in defeat.

I for one hate the notion of defeat and am incredibly ashamed of even the notion that the US could allow itself to be defeated in a war.  One would think that our nation’s leaders learned something from the Vietnam catastrophe, but then again, most of our leaders on both sides of the aisle were draft dodgers, cowards, potheads, and never served a day in the military.   Considering this, one should not be surprised to find out the facts are overwhelming the Taliban are alive and well.  Not only have the Taliban weathered the full onslaught of a combined US, NATO, and Afghan military force for over a decade, but they are now more numerous, control more territory, and are better armed, trained, and equipped than they were when the US entered the war in 2001.  The Taliban still have the will and capability to fight and still take to the battlefield.  By any measure of warfare, if an invading army is forced from the battlefield and ultimately from the land which it invaded while the opposing army still holds that ground, the army that retreated was defeated.  If the media and the Obama Administration were honest and upfront with the American people, they would report that they never so much as fully secured a single province in Afghanistan.  As quickly as the US has handed over these still contested provinces to the “Afghans,” they have been taken over by the “Afghan Taliban.”  The latest sign of this came on September 13, 2013 when Taliban insurgents nearly overran the US Consulate in Herat, Afghanistan.  Not only was this attack just 48 hours after the anniversary of the attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi, but it was in a far western area of Afghanistan that previously was thought to be immune (according to the now discredited “expert” on counterinsurgency, David Kilcullen) from Taliban influence.  Soon there will be no more US military forces in Afghanistan to come to the aid of these diplomatic enclaves.  When that day comes in just a few months, the US will be forced to quickly withdraw its last remaining diplomats in defeat leaving the US intelligence partially blind on the ground.

Afghanistan has been an unsustainable war from the very beginning due to the lack of genius in our senior military officers, our unwillingness to pursue the actual enemy into Pakistan, self-defeating strategies, and the ultimate failure to recognize the strategic importance of sealing the Afghan-Pakistan border.  Our failure to neutralize and or destroy the Taliban safe haven across the border in Pakistan, has allowed the Taliban to wait out the US just as they did the Soviets.  Inside Pakistan’s safe haven, the Taliban fighters receive arms, training, funding, and sanctuary from the Pakistani government…the same government we give over $5 billion in annual aid to (read self-defeating strategy).  While the Taliban organize, train, and equip in Pakistan, the US has spent over a trillion dollars vainly setting up forward operating bases all over desolate wasteland where the sole mission has become clearing roadways of improvised explosive devices so that the troops can get supplies to their remote bases so they can clear the roads so they can get in supplies, etc. etc. etc.  At no point in this ridiculous slow bleed strategy did our troops ever come close to strategic and decisive gains against the Taliban.  Instead, we spent and bled our nation to defeat without the Taliban having to do more than push an occasional button on an explosive device produced in Pakistan or shoot one of our soldiers in the back while dining together.  This absolute disaster of a war is a testament to the massive amount of money the US taxpayer has been forced to waste on a military bureaucracy so large and unwieldy that it defies description.  Until the Department of Defense (DOD) can show that it can actually win a war the budget should be slashed, slashed some more, and then cut in half again.  If the politics won’t allow for a war to be fought, then we shouldn’t fight wars and waste money on our massive and dysfunctional military.  We don’t need smart bombs, we need leaders with the will to fight and win.  That said, without any doubt, for probably under what the DOD spent in a week on the Afghanistan War, a small contingent of country boys sporting nothing but scoped deer rifles, good leadership, and freedom of action could have decisively defeated the Taliban and ended the war in Afghanistan in just a few months.

Not only is the war unsustainable for the US, but also the Afghan government.  Over a hundred Afghan soldiers a week are killed, many times more are wounded, and even more defect to the Taliban.  The situation is so bad that the Department of Defense made it official policy to no longer report the number of Afghan casualties out of fear of losing all moral in the Afghan National Army.  Remember too that the mauling the Afghan military is incurring is with the help of NATO/US forces in Afghanistan to include air support.  Once the US and NATO pull out, the Afghan National Army will face total defeat as it dissolves into a more formalized Taliban Army.

Collapse is now imminent in Afghanistan.  Perhaps six months to a year separate the current state of affairs from a Taliban takeover of most of the country.  As the US accelerates its withdrawal, the Taliban will begin to operate more overtly in Afghanistan seizing at first greater footholds in the regional villages and towns and then overwhelming major cities.  Kandahar may again be one of the first cities to fall to the Taliban as soon as the spring of 2014.  Once Kandahar and surrounding provinces fall fully back into the Taliban’s (Pakistan’s) hands, it will only be a matter of months before Kabul falls under heavy attack and is overrun.  President Karzai will most likely do what he did before and flee his country to save his own skin.  This time though Karzai will flee with over a billion dollars (compliments of the US taxpayer by way of the CIA) hidden away, rather overtly, in Swiss and Dubai bank accounts to live out his days in Europe as his countrymen suffer the aftermath of his corrupt regime.  One can only hope he is forced to stay and weather whatever consequences the war may bring as the captain should either save the ship or sink with it.  In the interim, Afghanistan will exist as the world’s premier narco-state with President Karzai the undisputed cartel leader.

Make no mistake that any notion the US will be able to maintain a footprint in Afghanistan once the pull out begins is an illusion.  I can’t say for sure whether our leadership in the US is just that dumb to believe we will be able to stay (they are building a billion dollar embassy in Kabul) or is simply lying to provide top cover while we retreat.  Nonetheless, the result will be the same.  Think Saigon circa 1975.  To say the least, we will be lucky to have an exit as orderly as the Soviets.  If we are so lucky, it is only because the Taliban correctly assessed that it was in their best interests to simply let us leave as soon as possible while saving up their strength for a full offensive against Karzai’s regime.  Once NATO has gotten out of the way, the Taliban will move to finish the civil war they started before the US invasion.

As the last troops retreat out of Afghanistan in defeat the military-industrial-complex will be faced with a dire situation.  The situation will be one of reduced budgets and no pressing war to sell their wares.  This means the titans of defense will lose billions of dollars and tens of thousands of Americans will be put out of work.  As such, we predict the military-industrial-complex will work closely behind the scenes with Congress to engineer a new war before the complete end to operations in Afghanistan.  The most likely candidate for this will be a war with Iran via Syria.  This war, as we have repeatedly warned, will be a complete disaster on a scale unprecedented in American history.  In fact the consequences could be so dire that historians may very well point to the folly as the end of the Republic.

Please remember our troops on the ground fighting in Afghanistan…they are the real victims of bad leadership, yet bravely stand their posts.

By Guiles Hendrik

October 7, 2013

All rights reserved. 

BOOTS ON THE GROUND IN SYRIA: US Proxies Enter Syrian Civil War with US Advisors

News of US Special Forces and CIA paramilitary officers entering Syria leading proxy fighters began to trickle out around August 23, 2013.  Naturally, the US is denying these reports, but as with Libya, it will only be a short matter of time before photos of US military forces leading rebels in combat begin to surface on the web.  This means that it will only be a short amount of time before American bombs begin to drop on Syria.  Just as in Libya, these ground troops will be the leading edge of full scale US military involvement in Syria and will act as forward air controllers for air strikes.  Make no mistake; the US has now entered overtly into the Syrian Civil War allied with Islamic extremists loyal to Al Qaeda.

Contrary to what the Pentagon and White House are admitting, the information has been available for some time that we planned all along to enter the war against Syria just as we have reported.

In July the Los Angeles Times reported that the Central Intelligence Agency and US special forces have been training Syrian rebels at a new US base in the desert in southwest Jordan since November 2012.  One such US covert training session, conducted by American, Jordanian, and French, has allegedly been taking place in Jordan for the last month or so, the newspaper cited Brig. Gen. Yahya Bittar, the head of intelligence for the Free Syrian Army.  The training covers the use of anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons and has been carried out at bases in Turkey as well, the newspaper reported.  This training is not being done for fun, but because the US fully intended to lead these rebels into battle at least a year before any false pretext (use of chemical weapons) was created to justify the US entrance into the war.

Further, last month, the Pentagon said that F-16 jet fighters and a Patriot missile battery deployed to Jordan for the “Eager Lion” military exercise that ended weeks ago would remain in the desert country.  Again, the US did not keep these advanced weapon systems in Jordan because it didn’t feel like moving them back to the US.  Instead, just as our analysts predicted, the US has from the beginning intended to launch a full scale attack against Syria and only delayed to allow the rebels time to do the bulk of the fighting and generate propaganda (use of chemical weapons) that could be used as a false pretext to justify the US entrance into the war.

What is clear is that the US and some key allies have been building up for a war with Syria and training a proxy army in neighboring countries for at least a year.  This sets that actually planning and execution of this operation “years” prior to the current date.  This is long before any actual pretext to justify US involvement materialized and is demonstrative of how the US all along has planned to enter the war under false pretenses whether or not real cause existed.  This war is as phony, illegal, unconstitutional, and unnecessary as the Iraq War and will be far more costly since it ultimately aims to destroy not just Syria, but specifically, Iran.  Considering this, one would be well justified in calling into question the faux chemical attack pretexts now circulating and being used as grounds for overt US military action.  Further, it is of no irony that the very same countries (US, France, United Kingdom, Israel, etc.) that have been training and covertly supporting this war against Syria for years are the same countries that immediately “confirmed” that the most recent alleged chemical weapons attack was launched by the Syrian government.  It should then come as no surprise these countries are racing to “take action” before any real investigation of the alleged attack and verifiable, “independent,” conclusions can be reached.

Washington and Tel Aviv are acutely aware that they are running out of time to execute their war plan against Iran.  Their terrorist proxies in Syria were never supposed to “lose” and now the US has had to create a false pretext to overtly enter the war to save their rebel army from total defeat while Iran continues to expand its nuclear programs.  Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu knows he is almost out of time if he wishes to destroy the Iranian nuclear program.  As such, he is willing to do nearly anything to force the US into fighting another disastrous war on behalf of Israel.  If our analysts are correct, there is a reasonable chance that full scale regional war will break out in the Middle East between the US, Syria, and Iran before winter.  It is of absolute necessity that all of our readers contact their elected officials immediately and demand a complete exit from actions in Syria and that no war with Iran will be fought.


By Guiles Hendrik

August 26, 2013

All rights reserved.


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Al Qaeda Rebels in Syria Begin Killing Kurds

Throughout 2013, the Free Syrian Army (FSA), the primary rebel organization fighting a civil war against President Assad’s Syrian Army forces, has become predominately manned by Al Qaeda avowed jihadists.  These terrorists have now turned their guns on Syrian Kurds, which up until recently have attempted to remain neutral in the fight.  As Kurds have been increasingly slaughtered by Islamic extremists in Syria, the number of refugees fleeing to Kurdistan in Iraq has massively increased.  Some estimate well over 100,000 Kurdish refugees have now fled Syria.  The murder of Kurds by the FSA marks another dark turn of events that will soon undermine US positions in the region.

Kurdistan and its capital of Erbil have remained the one region of the Middle East where Americans have enjoyed relatively good relations and security.  In fact Americans are not even required to have a visa to enter Kurdistan where both Muslims and Christians live together in relative peace.  Further, Kurdistan is a region seeing significant investment and business growth.  The relative peace that has been maintained in Kurdistan has driven the oil and tourism markets currently fueling Kurdistan’s growth in a region where security is all too rare.  The capital Erbil is a vibrant cosmopolitan city arising in the shadows of the distant snowcapped mountain peaks where westerners can find all of the trappings of modern day living.

Unfortunately, the relative peace and security Americans have enjoyed in Kurdistan will no doubt be coming to an end soon.  The Kurds are acutely aware that the US is now actively supporting the FSA, which is massacring their people.  As the Kurds flee death in Syria at the hands of Sunni Jihadists armed and trained by Americans they carry that knowledge to overflowing refugee camps now forming in Kurdistan and Turkey.  These refugees have lost everything but their lives and are rightfully angry.  It will only be a short period of time before they correctly identify the US as the primary catalyst behind their suffering.  As anti-American sentiment solidifies, Americans will be targeted inside Kurdish regions, which until now, have been peaceful and supportive of Americans.  In what will prove to be another policy disaster, this will force the one ally Washington still retains in the Middle East directly into the camp of the Iranians.

Turning the Kurds against the US will have dire second and third order effects for the US.  Kurds will now have no choice but to join with Assad’s government forces.  The Kurds are relatively good fighters when compared with other ethnic groups in the region and will no doubt prove to be a potent ally for Assad.  This will significantly swell the number of fighter’s Assad has at his disposal and hasten the defeat of the rebels.  This will force Washington to directly enter the Syrian conflict to avert a complete route of its proxy army.  Further, this will accelerate the regionalization of this conflict beyond the borders of Syria as Iraqi Sunnis battle Iraqi Kurds in Iraq and Iran consolidates the Kurds as their new ally against the Arabs.  Americans in Turkey will also become much more likely to be targeted by Kurdish groups seeking revenge and to force an end to US support of Al Qaeda terrorists in Syria.  This destabilization will force Turkey to take a more adversarial role toward US policy in the region, which can only complicate matters more for the US.

By Guiles Hendrik

August 25, 2013

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US Continues Dangerous False Narrative about Assad’s use of Chemical Weapons

The US again jumped to conclusions about the latest alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria and immediately condemned President Assad’s government.  However, Washington has no way to immediately verify the attack was indeed a chemical attack and even less ability to know who was actually responsible for the attack.  Nonetheless, this didn’t stop the White House calling for serious consequences and the use of force against the Syrian government.  In short, President Obama is ready to launch the US into another disastrous, undeclared, and unconstitutional war based on the word of Al Qaeda avowed terrorists that have everything to gain from conducting a false flag attack that brings the US into the war on their side.

To understand the big picture, one must understand how the actions in Syria relate to Israel’s strategic goal of eliminating the Iranian regime.  Just as we have repeatedly reported, Israel is reluctant to launch an attack against Iran without first securing its northern flank.  To do this, Israel conspired with its allies to significantly degrade Iran’s proxy army Hezbollah and its ally Syria via the use of a proxy army made up of global jihadists.  This group of Al Qaeda avowed jihadists, which now form the bulk of the rebel Free Syrian Army (FSA) is backed by the US and regional allies opposed to Iran such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar.  This plan was intended to depose President Assad and weaken Hezbollah without drawing the US and Israel directly into the war.  However, the plan fell apart as Assad’s forces coupled with Hezbollah fighters began to drive back and defeat the FSA in battle after battle.  As each day goes by, the situation for the FSA has become more critical and has thrown the Israeli war plan into chaos just as Iran’s nuclear program is approaching what Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu describes as his “red line.”  Set against this diminishing timeline, Israel and the US are desperate to finish off Assad and justify the US entrance into the war with Syria.  Syria must fall because it is an essential part of strategy for drawing the US into a greater conflict with Iran, which has been the final goal all along.  As such, the US and Israel have resorted to false flag attacks and recycled the chemical weapon scare tactics used previously to involve the US in a war against Iraq.

The fact that the US and Israel are already engaged in a war against Iran and the Syrian front is just the last stage before an actual overt war against Iran is launched.  The truth doesn’t matter to the Obama Administration just as long as the narrative suits its political agenda to entangle the US into a war with Iran.  Some will be quick to point out the sources contradicting Washington’s narrative are Russian and thus somehow are not credible, but it is also very reputable elements within the United Nations inspection teams that have called into question the origin of these alleged chemical attacks.  Make no mistake, Israel will follow through with its plan to destroy Iran and President Obama has proven incapable of resisting the powerful lobbying behind the scenes.  Furthermore, if President Obama fails to involve the US military in Syria to deliver decisive ends that satisfy Israel, Israel will unilaterally launch an attack against Iran that will, as we have repeatedly warned, force Washington’s hand into entering the war unprepared.

In the coming days and weeks, we as a nation again enter a “red zone.”  The coming months will be a time of great instability, upheaval, and potentially large scale war in the Middle East.  The US doesn’t do this out of its own best interests or national security, but as a result of powerful alien lobbyist elements within our midst that demand the destruction of Iran.  Even though the major news agencies have all but ignored Iran in recent months, Israel has not.  Ignoring the situation between Iran and Israel has not made the situation go away even if the average America has long forgot the war propaganda about red lines, centrifuges, and enrichment.  In fact, the situation has been quickly approaching a major break point where either the US acts, or Israel potentially launches a tactical nuclear strike launched from submarines now stationed in the Persian Gulf and arguably in the Black Sea.

In the run up to what will become a strategic disaster for the US, expect more false flag attacks that are used to justify increasing US involvement in Syria.  Both Tel Aviv and Washington are acutely aware that the rebels will lose if the US doesn’t become decisively involved in the civil war now.  This will include special operations forces on the ground and air strikes that will be launched under what will be named a “no fly zone.”  The Israelis have already been launching air strikes inside of Lebanon as retaliation for alleged rocket attacks, but have used this as cover to test the status of Syrian air defenses in preparation for air strikes in Syria.  Only an immediate and massive public outcry against another war will we stand a chance of averting America’s overt entrance into another war that will be far more costly than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Both Republicans and Democrats should stand united on this front.  The Democrats and media in particular, which doggedly attacked George Bush over the war in Iraq, need to unite against this war unless they wish to be proved total hypocrites and blind stooges of President Obama.  The military too needs to speak out and register its protest to its involvement in what will prove to be an unwinnable war fought for foreign interests at the expense of American blood and treasure.  Please call, email, and write your elected representatives immediately and say no to any further US involvement in the Syrian Civil War.


By Guiles Hendrik

August 24, 2013.

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Christians Massacred with Weapons Supplied by US across Africa and Middle East

July 29, 2013 Kano, Nigera:  Multiple explosions have hit a predominantly Christian area in Nigeria’s northern Kano city, with security forces transporting scores of wounded to area hospitals, witnesses say.  “We have had some explosions in Sabon Gari [neighbourhood] this evening,” Kano state Police Commissioner Musa Daura confirmed on Monday night.  Christians are continually targeted and killed by the thousands in Nigeria by Islamic Extremists.  The US remains neutral and continues to focus its interests in Nigeria on oil and resource exploitation, which has been at the expense of the Christians.

August 20, 2013 Cairo, Egypt:  Coptic Christian churches are looted and destroyed by Islamic extremists linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.  Nuns were forced to undergo public humiliation and were marched down streets as they were taunted and attacked by Islamists.  In Egypt, the situation for Christians is dire and many have already been killed, wounded, and or forced to flee the country.  The White House remains mute and appears to be maintaining support for the Muslim Brotherhood through its inaction.  President Obama refuses to recognize the broadly supported government that replaced President Morsi, which is now in charge of Egypt.  Further, the White House has condemned the new government’s actions to dismantle the radical Islamic elements unified under the banner of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Syria:  Some of the most holy sites in Christendom have been attacked and destroyed by Islamic extremists.  Christians have been forced to flee or have been executed by elements within the Free Syrian Army (FSA).  President Obama has paid no attention to the suffering of Christians at the hands of radical Islamists.  In fact, Obama has authorized the training and arming of these Al Qaeda terrorists, which have brutally massacred entire Christian communities.

Pakistan:  Christians are broadly discriminated against, assaulted, and even murdered for adhering to their faith.  In response, the US continues to provide Pakistan with military support and billions of dollars in aid.

All over the world, US Foreign Policy is directly and or indirectly leading to the deaths of thousands of Christians.  In some countries, the Christian communities have been nearly completely wiped out.  Instead of expressing outrage and supporting what would be some of America’s most natural allies in these countries, the Obama Administration has repeatedly ignored their plight and left them for dead.  On a humanitarian front, the US indifference is simply inexcusable.  However, there has been one world leader that has spoken out for the rights of Christians when other leaders of Christian nations have turned their backs.

“The rights of religious minorities, including Christians, are being infringed all over the planet and humanity must take measures to stop such instances,” Vladimir Putin said at the meeting with Orthodox Christian leaders in Moscow.  “In many of the World’s regions, especially in the Middle East and in North Africa inter-confessional tensions are mounting and the rights of religious minorities are infringed, including Christians and Orthodox Christians,” the Russian President noted, adding that such conflicts could lead to the most serious consequences. Putin called for immediate measures to prevent such situations.

It is truly a sad day when the US turns its back on its religious foundation.  Instead, it is Russia that has become the light of freedom and security for Christians around the world.  This situation just over two decades ago would have been unthinkable and shows how far from grace the US has fallen.  As America turns its back on its Christian heritage, it will lose the very foundations of what formed the very essence of Western Civilization.  Christianity formed our country and our culture.  Without it, our civilization will not survive and devolve into savagery unguided by the critical morals and ethics imbued in a culture guided by a religious ethos.  A free republic devoid of a collective moral consciousness unified by a common religious ideology is simply incompatible with law and order.  The loss of faith in a higher power and the US government’s war on Christianity marks a dark day in our country’s history.  Contrary to trendy pundits, it does not mark a progression in American culture, but rather, a decided turn toward cultural regression.  Please ask your elected representatives to stand with Christians around the world and oppose US policies that lead to their murder and discrimination.


By Guiles Hendrik

August 23, 2013

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Syrian Rebels Continue to Lose Ground against Government Forces

Syrian government forces reinforced by Lebanese Hezbollah forces have been consolidating their control over the strategic rebel held district of Homs, which is Syria’s third largest city.  Homs has been controlled by rebels in part since 2011.  The recent military success by the Syrian military and Hezbollah fighters has left the rebels in retreat and Washington’s battle plan for Iran disintegrating.

As of July, Syrian government forces appeared to be on the verge of retaking most of the northern neighborhoods in Homs and were continuing to advance on the remaining crumbling rebel positions.  In addition to its symbolic value, Homs is a strategic lynchpin in Syria.  Homs controls the main highways from Damascus to the north and the coast.  The government offensive has already successfully expelled rebels from a 13th century landmark mosque in Khaldiyeh the rebels controlled for more than a year.  Previous to this, government forces captured the strategic town of Qusair near the Lebanon border in June.

The danger of these victories is not that Assad and his government forces will prevail, but that Washington and its allies will now be forced to take more drastic measures to make sure their Al Qaeda proxies are not defeated.  In light of this, it foreseeable that the White House will soon authorize more overt support to include providing military weapons and advisors to train rebel fighters outside of Syria in Turkey and Jordan.  However, it is unlikely this level of support will turn the tide in favor of the rebels.  Instead, for a rebel victory to be engineered, Washington will be forced to put Americans (most likely in the form of CIA and Special Forces) in Syria and institute a no-fly zone coupled with air strikes on Syrian government targets.  False flag attacks and copious applications of war propaganda will be necessary to justify these ill-fated operations.   This action will cement the US entrance into another undeclared, unconstitutional war that historians will point to as a disastrous misstep in US Foreign Policy that will ultimately eclipse the US strategic defeats in Iraq and Afghanistan.

By Guiles Hendrik

July 29, 2013

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Media Missed the Biggest Coup in the Middle East and it wasn’t in Egypt

Tuning into the Fox and CNN “entertainment” networks, one would be lucky to catch a small bit of news between the brain numbing, around the clock reports on the Trayvon Martin Case and Anthony Weiner’s perverse antics.  Nonetheless, a close follower may have gathered that “former” Egyptian President Morsi was overthrown in a broadly supported coup that has pitted the Muslim Brotherhood against the Egyptian military.  However, at about the same time, a much quieter and potentially more dangerous coup for the US took place in Syria.  In fact, Al Qaeda just accomplished its latest “hostile government takeover” by effectively decapitating any last vestige of a secular Free Syrian Army (FSA).  If not bad enough, President Obama has announced commencement of an insane US policy to arm these well-known terrorists.  This can ONLY end in disaster for the US.

By July 12, 2013 news of the assassination of Kamal Hamami began appearing in foreign press.  Kamal Hamami, a member of the FSA’s Supreme Military Council, known as Abu Basir, was killed in the Turkmen mountains near the northern city of Latakia, spokesman Louay Meqdad reported to Al Jazeera.  Hamami was killed by fighters from an Al Qaeda-linked group in Syria and was one of the most senior leaders of the Western- and Arab-backed Free Syrian Army.  Another FSA spokesman Qassem Saadeddine told Reuters, “The Islamic State phoned me saying that they killed Abu Basir and that they will kill all of the Supreme Military Council.”  Al Qaeda should be taken at its word as it does appear to have continued to carry out its threat and has operationally assumed control of the rebel army.

The leader of the Al Qaeda organization that claimed responsibility for Hamami’s killing, the Islamic State of Iraq, is led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.  Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi arrived in northern Syria to take control over Al Qaeda operations in the country and has apparently wasted no time in consolidating power under Al Qaeda’s banner.  This organization has effectively assumed control of the Islamist Al-Nusra Front, which was officially declared a “terrorist group” by the US in May, and is considered to be the most effective opposition group battling Assad.  As such, any notion of secular, nationalist forces fighting Assad evaporated with Al Qaeda’s coup within the FSA.

Analyzing these events further, one will note that Abu Bakr is a violent Al Qaeda terrorist leader from Iraq and epitomizes how this conflict has already gone regional.  The US created civil war in Syria has now fully spilled over into neighboring Iraq just as our analysts predicted and warned.  Violence in Iraq, which now is killing hundreds weekly, has reignited the Sunni-Shia civil war in Iraq removing any notion that the US succeeded in bringing about a more peaceful and democrat Iraq.  Incidentally, Abu Bakr cut his teeth on killing Americans, not Syrians, and now Obama IS arming his organization in what must be considered one of the dumbest policy moves an American president has ever made.

Middle East analysts recognize the fact that the Syrian Civil War will continue to spread and engulf more countries in the Middle East counter to Washington’s claims.  The situation is out of control.  Longtime US ally Jordan is in a particularly perilous spot.  In fact, secretly, Washington is so worried Jordan will be the next government to be toppled by the Al Qaeda terrorists the US is backing, Washington has quietly deployed a military force numbering over 2,000 in Jordan to attempt to contain the fighting should it begin spilling across the border.

Collectively assessing this information, it is clear the US has placed itself into an untenable paradox.  On one hand we are trying to defeat Al Qaeda and protect the US while simultaneously arming and training Al Qaeda on the other.  Al Qaeda has made no question that it will target the US as soon as its fighters finish in Syria.  By arming these terrorists, our nation is effectively creating, aiding, and abetting its very own enemy to kill Americans.  Not only is Obama’s policy a violation of US anti-terrorism laws, but it violates every core element of common sense and self-preservation.  This conclusion is so obvious and the intelligence so overwhelming, Obama is literally using our tax dollars to kill Americans.

This policy of fighting Al Qaeda while simultaneously arming Al Qaeda that the Obama Administration has engineered screams of amateur hour, is out of control, and is as dangerous as it is schizophrenic.  The only groups to benefit from this lunacy will be the money lending institutions and the defense industry (military industrial complex).  However, in the interim, hundreds of thousands of people have been wounded and killed with many more surely to follow.  There is simply no way the Obama Administration can claim that by arming KNOWN AL QAEDA TERRORISTS, the US will benefit.  This Al Qaeda coup in the FSA leadership proves that any arms provided to the FSA WILL ultimately end up in the hands of Al Qaeda radicals.

Please contact your representatives in Congress, petition the White House, organize your neighbors to political action, and contact your media.  Demand this insane policy of arming terrorists in Syria cease immediately.  Failure to force Congress and the President to act will ultimately suck the US into another disastrous war, economically destroy our nation, and lead to untold numbers of dead and wounded Americans.


By Guiles Hendrik

July 29, 2013

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