The Disintegration of Iraq: US Military Action in Iraq neither Wise nor Suitable

As the hordes of American/Saudi/Qatari sponsored terrorists race across Iraq in what appears to be a blood orgy of Islamic extremism of the worst sort, Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki has appealed for help.  Maliki’s forces, to include two divisions of American trade Iraqi soldiers, have broken and fled leaving all of their equipment behind to the attacking Iraqi army.  Although, I believe the takfir blitzkrieg will be blunted once it hits Shia neighborhoods as it presses its advance into Baghdad and initially bypass the city for key oil infrastructure, it is clear Maliki has lost control of what used to be Iraq.  In spite of the incompetence of the White House and senior advisors, this occurred exactly as we have been warning and predicted over a year ago.  See:

Now that Iraq has fully disintegrated, the Kurds are now effectively independent, the Sunni areas are consolidated under extremist Sharia rule, and the Shia areas are left relying on Iran to save them from being completely massacred and conquered.   This critical juncture has policy makers grappling with whether or not to send in US military support to which I emphatically warn is a horrible idea.  I say again, INTERVENTION IS A HORRIBLE IDEA!

Now that Iraq has collapsed, many in the US are demanding the US military again be deployed to defend “gains” previously made in Iraq.  These individuals are the same hacks that never fought in a war and led US “strategy” to a complete failure in Iraq and Afghanistan.  In fact many of these snake oil policy makers hid from reckless wars like former Ambassador John Bolton and profit handsomely from the industry of war.  Further, when one hears Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain expound upon how the US must bomb the extremist army before it seizes Baghdad, consider these are the same senators that also demanded that President Obama do more in Syria to arm this very same army and bomb President Assad.  Ironically, it was Assad that has been fighting this extremist army from the beginning and pleading for help from the international community.  Further, it was Russia that warned the US that this army was in fact composed of radical extremists, but we ignored them and called them liars when it was the US that was lying. After all, we knew from the beginning the army was made of jihadists because the CIA’s ground branch is what organized, armed, and trained this army.   If you do not see the obvious hypocrisy, bias, lobbyist dollars, and stupidity all wrapped up in US Middle East Policy, you should remove the blindfold now and engage your faculties of logic.

The problem with the logic of intervention in Iraq is multifaceted.  First of all, it completely ignores the fact that just across the Iraqi border to the west in Jordan, Syria, and Turkey, the US is covertly and now clandestinely (yes, these are different) arming, training, and equipping these terrorists to fight Syrian President Assad, which I have argued from its covert beginnings could only end bad.  Second, to believe an overthrow of Maliki’s government somehow translates to lost gains presumes one actually bought into the White House’s lies and propaganda respective of accomplishing anything decisive in Iraq.  The reality was the US was strategically defeated in Iraq and used the hand over and pullout as a face saving maneuver to explain its retreat.  I would invite anyone that disagrees with the notion of US defeat in Iraq to attempt to walk through Iraq without being killed, kidnapped, or imprisoned.  Note that we will see this strategic defeat repeated in Afghanistan.  However, in Afghanistan, it will be to greater American detriment since we are currently planning on leaving 10,000 personnel in that country to be captured in killed by the Taliban when they launch their offensive to regain power shortly after the US reaches the 10,000 level of troops.  Third, Iraq refused (to no angst of President Obama, who was looking for an excuse to pullout) to agree to a status of forces agreement (SOFA), which would have provided legal protections to any potential future US forces stationed in Iraq.  Without a SOFA in place, US personnel could be tried under Iraqi law.  As a soldier that potentially would have to kill an Iraqi in self-defense, the prospect of being tried for “murder” in Iraq made any future garrisoning of troops in Iraq untenable.  Finally, it is insane to think that the US can drop a few bombs and stem the tide of events in Iraq.  Events have long moved beyond the effectiveness of a few bombing raids.  We spent a decade vainly trying to subdue Sunni extremists while simultaneously being attacked by Sadr’s Iranian backed Shia forces.  Both sides hate us and have proven they prioritize killing Americans above killing each other.  To this end, American intervention would only waste more precious blood and treasure that we can ill afford.

To avoid another quagmire, it would be best to stop aiding terrorists in Syrian as a reasonable start.  We should then be quite content to let the factions fight it out amongst themselves while reinforcing the Kurds and letting Assad press the extremist army from the west.  In particular, the Kurds have access to ample oil, are better fighters than the Arabs, have a functioning government and infrastructure, hold a strategic geographical position and are welcoming of US bases, have proven to be pro-American, and are religiously moderate.  The US Department of State, for reasons that in all respects appear to be a systemic ethnic prejudice, has persistently degraded US relations with the Kurds and at every opportunity placed Kurdish interests far below Sunni and Shia interests in Iraq.  If there was ever a time to change policy and embrace the Kurds, now would be it.  Finally, the US must address and stop Saudi Arabia.  Saudi funding is the true catalyst of the Islamic extremist movement.  The US has turned a blind eye to Saudi actions far too long and it is time the US demands Saudi Arabia stops the exportation of Wahhabism and captures, kills, and or arrests the senior Saudis responsible for the export of terrorism.  To continue to ignore the Saudi gorilla in the room is tantamount to knowingly fighting the wrong adversary while simultaneously claiming to be confused why they real enemy is still growing stronger and able to attack you.  After all, it is no surprise that since the “War on Terrorism” began, Islamic extremism has done nothing but expand and strengthen.  Might that have something to do with the fact we are fighting a faux war against the wrong enemy?  Mark my words, until someone dismantles the Saudi extremist industry, the threat of Islamic extremism will continue to spread and grow.  Radical sharia law is already upon our doorsteps, but for reasons of political correctness, ignorance, and or lobbyist dollars, our government has been derelict to the point of treason addressing the growing existential Saudi threat.


By Guiles Hendrik

June 12, 2014

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